Monday, April 30, 2012

President's Message May 2012

Hello everyone,

I hope everyone enjoyed the April meeting as much as I did.  The small quilts took my breath away.  It was very hard to choose my two favorites.  Also the program was very informative and even after sewing for over 40 years, I learned a few things!  What do they say, never stop learning? 

I was not able to attend the GSQA show due to prior commitments, but I look forward to seeing pictures and hearing many good reports.  April 25-28th was very exciting for me ‑‑ I went to the Paducah show for a second time.  Last time, I was not able to go to the quilt museum, but I plan to catch that this time.

This time of the year is so beautiful with all the flowers and new leaves on the trees.  My gardenias are blooming and there are blueberries on the bush almost ready to eat.  Yum.  I hope you are all enjoying the season. 

At our meeting there should be several of us with show & tell from Paducah.  As usual, there were beautiful quilts, wonderful new tools, and patterns that were all "must haves".   Our meeting should be fun with Paula Toups sharing from her vast quilting experience.  We will also have the First and Favorite quilts from Jessie Comeaux and Linda Wiggins.  Thanks ladies for sharing your quilt journey with us.

There are many "quilt" things going on in our area, and I am proud to be a part of such a generous, creative, and hard‑working group.  I look forward to seeing you all on Thursday.    


the Bring list---- 
·         "Churn Dash" blocks for the Lotto drawing.
·         Fat Quarters for F.Q. Lotto - Medium Blue or Gold - color's from the Louisiana State Flag
·         bring/wear your Fiber Name Tag:  Sign in.  You could win a $10 gift certificate or $10 cash.
·         bring your  Show & Tell to share with the members
·         bring your Quilt in a Box
·         bring your Birthday Table items