Wednesday, December 30, 2009

President's Message Jan 2010

Hi everyone and a Happy New Year to one and all!!!

I am already looking forward to the year ahead of us. 2010 will be teeming with new and interesting things to do. The January program will be a trunk show of Melanie West - a Life in Quilts. This collection is not to be missed! Melanie has won many awards, fulfilled commissions, and transformed simple fiber and thread into magnificent works of art. Not only is it a rare view of her numerous beautiful quilts, but it is a true inspiration to all of us.

Our guild has lots of exciting programs, challenges, and events to talk about in January. We will be competing in the UFO Challenge, again. I think it helped many of us to finish quite a few projects that got moved to the back burner. I wish I could say that all of mine were finished, but... maybe this year!

The birthday raffle will also continue. Maybe, we should issue a challenge --- which birthday month rules??? Which month makes the most $$$? And, we don't want to forget our fiber name tags! Remember that one lucky person could win a $10 gift certificate each and every month just for wearing their fiber name tag! There is lots more fun and excitement happening in River City in 2010!

In closing, I want to thank everyone for my WONDERFUL blocks! I love them so. They are the perfect color and pattern for me! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! My many thanks to everyone who helped with the Christmas party. It was a great event! My thanks to everyone who worked so hard last year. Brace yourself for a new year with great achievements yet to come.

Happy Quilting!!

Items to bring:
  • your filled-out membership application and cash or check (made out to River City) to turn in to Beth Jessup. A new membership application is found at the end of the newsletter. Fill in your ideas and quilt ambitions.
  • January birthday raffle gifts.
  • show & tells. Quilt-like gifts? What did you buy with your Christmas cash??
  • Fat Quarter Lotto, "Dark Blue or Black," for the dark nights of wintertime. Max. of 2 entries.
  • juvenile/baby/youth fabric donations for charity quilts. Also fat quarters, yardage you will never use in 100 years, or any leftover 2.5 inch strips that you will not be using. Norma Payne will have a collection box at every meeting.
  • a friend, a prospective member, or a relative.
  • auction donations, Jo Doherty will have a box there for anyone who is cleaning out and straightening their stash (sewing room) and wants to donate items for the Fall auction.
  • your (fiber) Name Tag - your name is then entered in a drawing for a $10 gift certificate.
  • a list of UFOs - it's time to start your UFO list.  Suzanne Elliott will explain the guidelines

Dec 2009 Meeting Minutes

minutes of –Dec. 5, 2009
Mary Woltmann, president, welcome, 48 members, 4 guests, Grace Broussard is the mother of JoPaula Lantier. Jennifer Artigue of Parker House came to accept this year's auction donation of $2000 +.


  • introduction of guests- Joyce Perry said grace. Dinner.
  • Thank you's to all who contributed to the party.
  • Lilly Willis had a questionnaire on Christmas topics, a get-to-know other members ice-breaker.
  • Name tag winner: Mary Wolf.
  • Treasurer's report. Norma Payne made a motion to "tithe" 10% of the guild funds to the church for use of the facilities, so the donation was $350. Elaine Gosslin seconded the motion.
  • Kathy Perovosnik recommended to ask the church about boosting the amount of parking lot lighting.
  • Saturday Sew In– Dec. 12th 9 to 3. Board meeting at Goodwood Library Dec. 6th.
  • Retreat news 
Brain Storm for Ideas - 2010 Guild Programs
  • Continue UFO Challenge
  • Bus charter for extended trip
  • Play Quilto-Bingo
  • Baby Loc workshop (new machine technique that looks like quilting)
  • Another workshop/lecture like Helen Roddy Brown
Birthday raffle netted $51.

UFO Challenge results (Suzanne Elliott) - of the 432 commitments, 129 were completed, or 30%. Cash Prize awarded to Janet Cundiff, who finished 11.

Drawing for fat quarter prizes: Mary Wolf, Mary Woltmann, Nina Delaune, Debbie Huelett, Glenda Parks, Ginger Givens, Beth Jessup, Lilly Willis, Kathy Perovosnik, and Joyce Perry

Pin cushion & wrapped gift exchanges

Christmas Challenge drawings/winners (6 quilts and 1 table runner):
  • Beth - star quilt
  • Tommie Morden - trees & stars w/ sawtooth border
  • Mary Woltmann - trees
  • Barbara Lankford - stars
  • Kathy Perovosnik - trees w/ red sashes.
  • Lorraine Moore - trees & stars in "X" pattern w/ red/green border.
  • Karen Perron - table runner.

  • Beth Jessup- Christmas stocking to give away, monogrammed "Shannon" to Karol Guidry
  • Alice Fredlund - "Super Chicken" - a super-sized pin cushion
  • Jo Paula Lantier crazy quilt
  • Marilyn Halvorsen - blue quilt, Christmas tree skirt
  • Maureen Miller - Laurel Burch quilt
  • Marlene Lewis - redwork Christmas wall hanging (3)
  • Kathy Perovosnik - finished niece's penguin quilt Mary Woltmann - presents gifts to officers. Mary receives blocks from the membership.
Beth reports on Adopt-a-Family details. if you need a tax deduction receipt from the diocese, please contact her.

the end

Thursday, December 10, 2009

River City Christmas Party Highlights

And a good time was had by all......

We had a wonderful time with plenty fo gifts, good food and good cheer.  Many thank yous all around for a very successful year.

Some items to note:

  • Please send your recipes for the food you preapred (or where you bought it).  They will be published in the January newsletter.
  • Sunday, December 6th at 2:00pm there will be a Board Meeting at the Goodwood Library.  Please attend for 2010 input, chairpersons and committee members are also asked to attend, if possible.
  • Saturday, December 12th - Sew-In Saturday, bring your own projects, and Norma Payne will be working to prepare kits to sew for charity.  Help is appreciated.
  • If you joined a committee or group at the Christmas Meeting, or want to help in some way, please check to see if your name appears with a particular committee.
  • If you still wish to make a president's block for Mary Woltmann, do so and mail it.  Let her know that it is "in the mail".  She just loved them all.
  • We bid a farewell to Kathy Perevosnik, who has accepted a new position in Georgia, outside of Atlanta.
  • The birthday table has been such a success.  It has garnered over $500 this year.
  • The guild made a donation of $350 to St. Paul's for the use of the church hall in 2009.

President's Message Dec 2009

Hi Everyone!

Merry Christmas!!! How can I be typing those words? Where has this year gone? Nonetheless, our Christmas Party is just a few days away -- December 3. It promises to be a great time for all.! Don't forget your wrapped pincushions and gifts.

A very big thank you to all the participants in our scrap challenge! Your response was wonderful. The talent and creativity of our members continues to be extraordinary!

The board and I would also like to thank you for your great support for our "gift" in the Birthday Raffle - the Christmas Package quilt. Several people have asked the name/location of the pattern -- It is from Quiltmaker Magazine -- the November/December 2008 issue -- "It's a Wrap".

I also want to thank you, all the membership, who contribute so much to our guild. Your talents and efforts not only make our guild a wonderful group, but you also help to preserve the art of quiltmaking for future generations. Your support is greatly appreciated.

I want to encourage each of you to get involved with the guild in any way you can. I sincerely appreciate all o fyou who have volunteered to serve on committees next year. The guild still needs a few more people to "raise their hands". (please check the website under committees) Your contributions to the guild are invaluable, not only to the guild, but to yourself. You will find yourself smiling and havnig fun in the new year as an active participant in River City Quilt Guild!

Happy Quilting in the New Year!


Nov 2009 Meeting Minutes

minutes of – Nov. 5, 2009 - Mary Woltmann, president, welcome, 60 members, 12 guests, 4 new members 

 introduction of guests - Auction personnel got thank yous -
  • UFO Challenge— 91 completed so far out of 432 promises. Deadline is Nov. 15th. Prizes to be awarded.
  • Retreat news - Christmas Party - Tommie, Maureen, Kathleen Wyble, Beth gets ham for buffet.
  • Saturday Sew In–Nov. 14th 9 to 3
  • Reminder of pin cushion & wrapped gift exchanges. 6 quilts and 1 table runner are prizes in Christmas Challenge drawings
  • Election of slate of officers by motion and voice vote affirmation.
  • Committees for 2010- review of chairs and participants
  • Candy Bergeron spoke on Quilts of Love project with Stash Builders Guild of Gonzales. Linda Wiggins is your contact person.
  • If you wish to make preemie quilts to go home with the baby from the hospital, use fat-quarter size or 24x24 inch baby fabrics, flannel for backing or as batting or make batting very thin. No yellow fabric, babies appear jaundiced. JoPaula is your contact person for Women's Hospital.
  • "Top of Your Head" - ideas for next year. Write them down. Let Mary know what you think.
  • Beth reports on Adopt-a-Family. Details were sent to you via e-mail. Bring presents or donations by Dec. meeting.
  • Paula Toups and Connie Ewbank have trunk shows at Mama's Quilt Shop in Independence.
  • Norma Payne asks for donations to the charity quilt projects. She plans for pre-cut kits/ with pattern to be made, picked up, pieced, returned, quilted, and bound. The process is broken down into steps with different people undertaking different parts of the process, shared work.
  • Winners:
    • Name tag - Ginger Givens
    • Fat Quarter - Cynthia McGee
    • "Present" Quilt from guild bd. - Karen Tabor


  • Ginger Givens - basket weave called ''Nickel Bricks', a pattern from the book, Loose Change Quilts from Nickels, Dimes, and Fat Quarters by Claudia Plett & LeAnn Weaver.
  • Lorraine Moore - Helen Roddy Brown pattern, "Montana Scrappy". It was my first challenge to participate in, and while it was a little frustrating at times, I did enjoy finishing the project.
  • Stella Goodbee - 4 patch- 4 patch, on point - winner in beginner category
  • Brenda Gauthier - pinwheels

  • Joanna Wilson - "River City Scramble," sashed 9-patch - winner in intermediate category --pattern from the "Australian Patchwork & Quilting " magazine, Vol. 16, No. 1 (2007), p. 40, designer Judy Hooworth calls the quilt Moving-House Blues. Scaled down the block to accommodate our small scraps. Added 7 fabrics from my stash, sashing, and borders. Quilt measures 53" square and was a real delight to make. machine quilted by Kaye Baker
  • Elaine Gosselin - Irish Chain pattern, in value gradation w/white drafted/measured from picture of someone's quilt at a GSQA meeting) then revised placement. More emphasis on values (too much color to cope with). It is composed of 321 (2.5 ") squares plus 108 piano keys for the border. Tea and coffee dyed with pigma pen accents to calm down several very high intensity fabrics. Played with variegated/ombre background remaining half of 5 1/2" squares became piano keys. Both center and key border begin with darks/black in one corner, segued into lights/pastels diagonally in opposite corner. Proved its name: "Value? It's All Relative!" Plan to put most of leftover fabric on back of quilt.
  • Joni DeVilbiss - 2 quilts, 1 from Lynn Roddy Brown patterns, Texas 2 step. The other from Nickel Quilts book pattern named Sunny Lanes
  • Mary Wolf - Jewel Box
  • Tommie Morden - paper-pieced elongated pineapples, a pattern from Quilter's Newsletter magazine 

  • Debbie Ingram - 8-pointed star as center design, with "X" design radiating from center, a zig-zag border. Made by using all the pieces of each of the 168 squares and adding most of the background/lighter fabric and many more squares from a previous nickel swap we had. The pattern is from the Premier issue of "Irish Quilting Magazine," the name of the pattern is "Sensational Scrappy Irish Charm."
  • Cynthia McGee - Baskets Filled with 4 patches, a center 9 patch block. This was a Lotto block many years ago and I loved it and kept the pattern. It is great for using small pieces of fabric left over from other projects and was perfect for this challenge. My husband loves bed size quilts so I used an alternate block that had dots & circles of many different colors. This alternate fabric helped the many, many different colors, values, and textures in our shared squares compatible with each other.
  • Barbara Lamb - Fans on Point
  • Janet Cundiff - Pointless PinWheels - I tried resizing the pattern to fit the 5" fabric squares and something didn't work...Maybe it was the pattern, or maybe the 1/4" seam was off. Mostly the points were slightly squared off...hence, the name!
  • Glenda Parks -"We Are the World Figures Surrounding Granny's Flower Garden" by Eleanor Burns- (This is a Lost Fabric Story) The challenge began as a miniature snail's trail. I precut all the pieces, put them into a box, and pulled out random pieces. I had about half the squares made. Daughter, Carrie, borrows the box that contains the rest of the scraps. I couldn't find those darned scraps! So I took the blocks apart and remade them into another quilt. After the entire quilt was finished using only about 1/2 the scraps. (I was not eligible for the juried show) Carrie calls, says she has found a bag of scraps in amongst the boxes. I didn't know how to put the found scraps into the quilt. After much thought, I made a long strip of connected scraps and sewed it onto the quilt like a "rope." Then, I attached the rope to the quilt linking the figure's hands together. It is a small world after all.
  • Connie Ewbank -Framed squares
  • Linda Wiggins - "Runaway Threads (Spools)" the pattern, the negative/positive of the spools and the scale size change were very appealing to me, suffering from scrap itis. Upon completing the top, I found about 40 extra 2" squares and could not tell if they were supposed to be used in the quilt or not. So, just in case, I made the binding from all 2" squares. And now, after being in Scrap Therapy for a while, instead of being cured, I am a true addict!!!! no longer a recovering scrapaholic!
  • Beth Jessup - "Tea Leaf"- pattern from “More Quilts from The Quilt Makers Gift” by Joanne Larsen Line. Nancy Clement had shown me an applique technique from Sharon Shamburg, using freezer paper for the design and ironing it to the wrong side of the fabric. Then, you cut out all the designs leaving a ¼ inch seam. Next, you dab on spray starch with a brush on the ¼” seam and iron the seam to the inside on the back. Dab a little Elmer’s glue around on the turned under seam, and place on the background fabric. Then, using invisible thread and a very narrow zig zag stitch, you stitch your design to your background. My first attempt at a quilt with machine appliqué. I really challenge myself to do something I hadn’t done before. I have a quilt that looks like circles. I think the quilt took me the longest of any I have made yet. I spent many a night in front of the TV, iron, cutting out, and gluing. I decided to call the quilt “Getting Round Tuit” as the design appears to be circular.
  • Nina Delaune - Appliqued Flower Vase w/ piano key border, nicely quilted, winner in advanced category 

  • A short preview of some of the Christmas Challenge quilt tops (trees/star blocks) for the drawing.
  • Cheryl Marts -Sea Star
  • Joni - Safe Stor a unit with (4) 13"x13" drawers and a handle on top. At for $32.95. Tentacle Grips adhesive non skid pads you can put on rulers $5.95 online at Pattern Also bought myself a challenge, a pattern with curves.
  • Mary Woltmann - 54-40 Or Fight, stars in aqua, purple and orange, won ribbon in split complementary contest.
  • Jo Doherty 4 quilts
  • Maureen Miller - Kaffe Fassett fabrics in red/violet/purple quilt
  • Margie Bumm Houston finds, coffin quilt made of paper-pieced New York beauty stars.
  • Joanna Wilson - "Butterfly Kisses," a BOM at Amelia's during 2009. Machine quilted by Pat Klein.
  • Suzanne Elliott Houston finds - kit
  • Norma Payne Houston finds - kit, ruler, fabrics
  • Connie Ewbank - her new book, 9-patch mania, did very well in Houston
  • Barbara Lankford - LSU table runner and LSU embellished Cat Doll
  • Nina Delaune - apian theme fabrics, green and red violet, in quilt
  • Jo Paula Lantier Mardi Gras Mystery quilt
  • Harry Comeaux - brown quilt, on point, for son; blue charity quilt made with Maple Island pattern,
  • Jessie Comeaux - several quilts of valor that she quilted on the long arm
  • Linda Wiggins - LSU X quilt (ruler), winner of GSQA "Holiday" lotto blocks, Halloween and ??
  • Ginger Givens - T-shirt quilt - for 8 year old grandson, Christopher, made from his collection of team shirts, saved since he was 4 years old.
  • Debbie Hulett - a whole cloth hand quilted pillow from a GSQA seminar class on hand quilting, taught by Darlene Christopherson. Hunter's Star table runner from a class taught by Cheryl Marts
  • Elaine Gosselin - Halloween wall hanging kit (included on UFOs). Grand kids think it's weird!
  • Beth Jessup - Christmas stocking for daughter, Rachel, made with tattooed lady fabrics.
  • Janet Cundiff - BOM from Amelia's Quilt Shop, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

President's Message Nov 2009

Hi everyone!

WOW! What else can I saw about last month's meeting? It was wonderful! The auction was great! I know Parker House will be thrilled with the incredible amount of money we raised. The auction garnered over $2100 for this charity that does so much for children in peril. Many, many thanks to everyone involved. Diana and her committee did an outstanding job!! Thanks to everyone who brought food to share, who took up donations, and made everything happen so smoothly. Additional thanks to those who added to the festive Halloween "Spirits" by coming in costume. Kathleen Dabney had a cat costume with beautiful make-up. There were lots of "stitch witches." It was great to see our guild so actively participating with such generosity and working together.

I imagine that this month's meeting will be another "wow" meeting! We are all looking forward to the Scrap Challenge quilts as well as the show & tell from Houston. It promises to be a great night!

Don't forget----there will be a special "gift" on the birthday table from the board ...We are hoping that the membership will want to buy lots of chances!!!

Happy Quilting!!!

Things to bring to the meeting:
  • Scrap Challenge Quilts to display (open at 5:30 for hanging)
  • November Birthday Raffle items
  • Show and tell items
  • Houston International Quilt Show finds
  • Fat Quarters for the lotto - Christmas prints (as many as you like)
  • Wear your fiber name tag

Thursday, October 1, 2009

President's Message Oct 2009

Hi everyone!

Halloween, it's not just for kids. It's for grown-ups like me, who never loose sight of tricks and treats and dress-up fun, no matter what our age. There's always room in your tummy for more candy corn.

September was a great quilting month! We started with our guild meeting, then the retreat, and then the GSQA circuit teacher class. I hope you enjoyed the activities as much as I did! Our guild meetings are always so inspiring! Our retreat was just plain fun!!! And the GSQA class It was so wonderful to see the class filled with enthusiastic quilters!! River City Quilt Guild members are a wonderful and talented bunch of people!!!

This year's challenge will be just excellent with plenty of participation. And, lots of folks have signed up for the Christmas Present drawing and the handmade Pin Cushion drawing, too. (If you want to participate, see me.)

Remember that this month is THE auction!! Bring cash and your checkbooks!!!! It will be a great evening and don't forget to bring the treats.

Happy Quilting!!!

Things to bring to the meeting:

  • bring October birthday raffle gifts
  • bring your Christmas lotto blocks, this is the deadline.
  • bring your Halloween quilts to hang. And Halloween treats to eat.
  • bring your regular show & tells, retreat, plus those from Judy Holley's NY Beauty II Class.
  • F Q Lotto is ORANGE - like the Great Pumpkin (or Halloween-ish)
  • Wear Your (fiber) Name Tag - your name is then entered in a drawing for a $10 gift certificate.

The Nominating Committee: Lilly Willis, JoPaula Lantier, Kathy Perevosnik., Beth Jessup, and Melanie West have compiled a slate of officers for 2010 to be announced at this meeting.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

September 2009 Retreat

We had a great time at the September Quilt Retreat! It looked more like the River City Sweat Shop in there the way we were churning out finished projects.

Check out our Ta-Das! (click here)

Friday, August 28, 2009

President's Message Sep 2009

Hi everyone!

Back by popular demand – hands-on demonstrations. Flying Geese is the method this month. Six volunteers shall share their secrets on how to make Flying Geese blocks - a quick and easy "Scrap Challenge" technique, if you are so inclined. Thanks to Linda Wiggins, Margie Bumm, Cynthia McGee, Suzanne Elliott and myself, who will assist the members with numerous rulers and cutting methods that make "Flying Geese - A Breeze."

I am hearing all kinds of good things about "works in progress" and some, dare I say – "finished challenge quilts"!! This year's challenge will be just excellent with plenty of participation.

I shall be at the church early (6:00-6:15ish)to set up tables for sewing stations and sewing machines. Bring an extension cord, just in case. Please come early if you can, to help set-up.

Thanks to Janet Cundiff for a fabulous color presentation last month! And next month is Halloween!


Come early, socialize, get seated, and be ready to start the meeting on time at 6:45pm

Wear Your (fiber) Name Tag - your name is then entered in a drawing for a $10 gift certificate.

This month's program – Flocks of GEESE Are Flying All Over
Work stations:

  • Wing clipper ruler - Margie Bumm
  • Eleanor Burns ruler ‑ Cynthia McGee
  • "Fit To Be Geese" ruler ‑ Mary Woltmann
  • Rotary cutter method - Suzanne Elliott
  • No Waste Method ‑ handout
  • Bonus method **Please bring pen and paper to take notes.

Other Things to bring to the meeting:

  • September birthday raffle gifts
  • Completed Christmas Lotto Blocks earn you 2 chances if you bring them back this month
  • DONATION items and baskets for the auction - last chance!
  • Kids and Juvenile quilts to hang
  • Regular Show & Tell items
  • F Q Lotto "Kid Stuff" - pink, blue, or juvenile prints of all kinds, novelty prints
  • Bring your money for:
    • Judy Holley class on 9/12, GSQA member =$20, non-members =$30
    • Christmas lotto, $2.50/packet, Last chance to purchase, deadline for completed blocks is October meeting.

Nomination Committee: 3 appointees and 1 standing officer, other that the president

Your Labor Day Weekend Retreat - begins on Friday, Sept. 4th.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Highlights from August 2009 Meeting

Saturday Sew-In date, this Saturday, the 8th, at church.

This is the tax-free weekend. Maybe it's time to invest in a new sewing machine, embroiderer, or serger. State tax, 4%, is exempt.(Off the first $2500 of the purchase.) You still pay local taxes. Visit your local shops today.

Lasissez Les Bon Temps Rouler Shop Hop
August 14th & 15th - Shop Hop - Get your passport, locally. Then visit Amelia's, Fabric Krazy, Quilt Corner, Quilting Niche, Bright Hopes, Borne Quilter, and Mama's Quilt Shop. All shops will be open 9am - 6pm both days, Friday & Saturday. Passports are $5. You receive a $5 coupon to each shop for purchases over $20. There are (11) prize possibilities if you visit all shops and stamp your passport. (Leave your passport at the last shop you visit.)
Each shop has a basket worth $250.00 to give away your chance is generated when you visit that shop. Come join in on all the fun! Passports are on sale now. Talk up a car pool.

Pay Up: And please confirm your reservation with each contact person, either Cynthia or Mary. They, in turn, will contact you with a list of all the participants in each event.

Pay balance for retreat -
The minimum number has been met. Pay your balance to Cynthia McGee. If you are not going, please let her know so those on the waiting list can pay.

Pay for Judy Holley --New York Beauties II class (Sept. 12th ) Supply list is available.
Pay Mary Woltmann --
GSQA member =$20, non-members =$30

Talk to Mary Woltmann if you want to participate in the Christmas exchange of hand-made pin cushions.

Patchwork Pelicans are having a retreat at the Judson Center, Oct. 5-8th $168.75.
**Contact Elaine Gosselin
for information. (wrong contact in the Aug. newsletter)

the new word for today is...... Achromatic: means the absence of color, as in a black and white quilt. Black, white, and grey are terms that represent the absence of hue or color.

which is different from Monochromatic: which means to use different values of the same hue or color in a quilt, ex. green quilt, blue quilt, red quilt, etc.

(Our thanks to Janet Cundiff for a great presentation and hands-on demonstration of color theory and terms). She also recommends: A current magazine, Better Holmes and Gardens Creative Collection: American Patchwork and Quilting, October 2009, 100th Issue, called Get Confident with Color! ($5.99) Her source for some of the information.

Quilt Challenge - a reminder of the deadline.......
The West Baton Rouge Museum, 845 Jefferson Ave., Port Allen, is challenging regional quilters to create quilts using select fabrics, designs, and techniques to commemorate the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial. It will be the site of an exhibition Sept. 27- Nov. 20.
Entries will be juried. Cash prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places and honorable mention. Traveling exhibit will also include 20 other original quilts.
Deadline for entry is Aug. 17, at the museum. Entry fee is $8. Checks are to be made payable to the West Baton Rouge Historical Association. Each entry must also include a color photograph and label. For registration forms or more details, call (225) 336-2422, extension 16 or visit

Monday, August 3, 2009

President's Message Aug 2009

Hi everyone!

Summer is just a flying by and it is way too hot to be outside! So I think we should stay cool and calm and stay inside and quilt! Maybe this could be considered a mental health prescription. You know, quilting for medicinal purposes..... I am surely looking forward to your reports from the Knoxville show. I am just so proud that our guild work was selected. I just cannot say it enough.

Janet Cundiff has developed a power-point presentation on color for us this month that is just spectacular. She demonstrates color on a grand scale and shows how we use color in quilting and in other ways in our lives without really being aware of it and how it affects us.

Our many thanks again, to Joyce LeFleur. Her "life in quilts" was beautiful beyond description and so inspirational! I am sure we all left the meeting determined to do great things! I couldn't believe how many quilts she had to share with us.

Thanks for the many ways you all support the guild and each other! Happy quilting! Mary

Things to Bring

  • August birthday raffle gifts
  • Donations for the auction
  • 2-color quilts to hang
  • Any "Color Tool" quilts for Janet's lecture
  • Show & tells
  • F Q Lotto "Just Two Colors" - any two colors in a FQ, Dots, black & white, tone on tone, etc.

For the Meeting Topic

  • a gallon Ziploc bag of small scraps of all different colors
  • scissors
  • glue stick
  • color tools that you have or use (or CAN'T use)
  • "What is Your Process?" - share your personal thoughts on how you choose color schemes for quilts
  • Share your quilts (and tools) where you used a color tool to develop a quilt's color palette. Any questions? Call Janet at 769‑0973.

Your money for :

  • Judy Holley class on 9/12, 2 class spots available. GSQA member =$20, non-members =$30
  • Christmas lotto, $2.50/packet [3 chances if you bring your completed block this month]
  • Labor Day Weekend Retreat, pay balance now.

July 2009 Meeting Minutes

minutes of –July 2, 2009 Meeting - Mary Woltmann, president, welcome, 45 members, 4 guests
- introduction of guests - Thank you's for patriotic quilts and Christmas in July quilts hanging up.
- UFO report by Suzanne Elliott --please call or e-mail her as you finish your projects.
- Scrap challenge report - some quilters have finished their piece, some over-achievers have finished two quilts.
- West Baton Rouge Museum has an Abraham Lincoln challenge (contact details are in the newsletter)
- Several members are going to the Knoxville show. The guild's Para Challenge was accepted there.
- Thanks to all who helped pack and ship the challenge, particularly Thelma Berg.
- New York Beauties II class on Sept. 12 with Judy Holley, see Joyce Perry for payment and supply list.
- Labor Day Retreat updates, pay Cynthia. You can stay on Monday, Labor Day for free, but you provide your own meals. **Participants may stay on Monday, Labor Day for free, but you provide your own meals.
- August Shop Hop info (see newsletter)
- Christmas (Lotto Blocks)- Tree Blocks and Star Blocks (8-pointed stars), all with a common background fabric (a piece of border as color palette guide for coordinating fabrics). The 6 inch center of the star may be any one of a number of traditional pieced designs in hand-out, but not one solid piece of fabric. Unfinished at 14". Will be trimmed by the assembly committee. Return finished block in Aug. for 3 chances, in Sept. for 2 chances, and lastly, at the Oct. meeting for 1 chance (the deadline).
- 2 sign up sheets: Volunteers to bring a wrapped Christmas gift to the party as a door prize (similar to the shower gift door prizes at the bridal reception in June.) Those interested in participating in a hand-made pin cushion exchange. You must sign up to be eligible for the pin cushion drawing.
- For Christmas giving the guild will Adopt-a-Family (Beth Jessup does contacts) Gifts and cash donations from members.
- quillow kits - please take a kit to finish for Parker House
- Please come early, socialize, get seated, and be ready to start the meeting on time @ 6:45 JoPaula makes motion, accepted.
- winners: Mary Wolf won both FQ's and name tag gift certifcate.
Joyce LeFleur - My Life in Quilts - dates, quilts, recipients, and labels are so important.
(Joyce is the mother of Lucy Landry, a local, well-known doll maker and quilter.)
1979 - Sunbonnet Sue/Overall Bill for granddaughter
Iris Applique, quilt teacher was Katherine Watts
Purple/lilac 2-blocks alternating
1930's applique roses and braided borders (made 2 quilts )
Blue/gray/creme Baton Rouge block
2005 Katrina Mystery quilt in Browns
Scrappy Flowers (her own design) w/ flying geese
Cabbage Rose applique
Baltimore Album, cornucopia applique w/ maple leaves
New York Beauty in rich tones
Santa Applique quilt from Willie Holt pattern at the Thimble
Fiber Flowers - art quilt with organza and Shasiko stitching
Flower -Swamp applique piece
Cypress Scene -Swamp piece
Sunday in the Park wall hanging
Santa at the Window applique
Unicorn Tapestry Applique - fashioned after real French tapestry - Joyce drew the pattern
1996 Christmas Nativity scene
Old World Santa in Burgundy Redwork/Toille
Friendship stars w/ applique border
Oriental Birds applique design w/ spool border
Stained Glass Window design w/ apple border
Applique design w/ Bible verses, birds, and flowers
Winding Ways in Civil War fabrics
Court House Steps from silk ties in miniature
Oriental birds
Leaves - made with discharge method using bleach on black (makes copper color)
Four Seasons - blackberry bush, white flowers
(Joyce states, "Value is very important. it makes the picture jump out.") Uses size 80 machine needles
She has made 120 quilts **see these quilts on the guild blogspot

--The guild members gave her a standing ovation and our many thanks for such a wonderful gift to share, a lifetime of quilts, with many more quilts to come.
Joyce received a small thank you gift from Mary.
Mary Woltmann---2 Americana quilts
Karen Perron---Liberty and Watermelon for All - a red, white & blue, stack and whack design
Joni D--quilted a Turning 20 on Norma's long arm, first quilt WITH a label
Elaine Gosselin--Fat quarter Hobo bag, paper-pieced star quilt w/ log cabins
Connie Ewbank–red/white/blue sampler quilt with snowball borders, friendship star, Ohio star, quilts of valor
Suzanne Elliott - t-shirt quilt for niece - Volley balls in sashing
Debbie Ingram--cat fabric tote bag, cat quilt top (charm quilt, each fabric used once), flag wall hanging
Nina Delaune– 2 UFO's, Storm at Sea, blue/gold leaves, carpenter's star, Ralph Lauren sheeting
Janet Cundiff--black/white/red French Braid quilt
Mary Ann Godso–hand applique Butterfly quilt, "All Dolled Up" pattern w/ shoes, hat, purse, and flowers
Caroline Derbes--purse from Beth's class. cotton theory table runner
Merlene Lewis--5 patriotic quilts: redwork w/ rail fence, bargello flag, 8-pointed star with a smaller 8-pointed stars for center, heart blocks in red/white/blue, friendship stars, vest w/ mom's apple pie and lady bugs, 2 baby quilts: 1 bluework embroidery -elephants, and 1 pink ballerina quilt
Barbara Lankford–table runner, UFO-cheater cloth circus quilt for charity, an Internet source for Featherweight bobbins (see newsletter). a tell - Lucy Landry's Fairy Doll was featured in Art Doll Quarterly magazine
Lilly Willis–took "Right Brain Drawing" class taught by Caroline Derbes (B. Lankford did also), 911 quilt - Sunbonnet Sues - Hearts and Hands - Uncle Sams in red/white/blue
Diana Moreno--Irish star with hearts
Beth Jessup--red, white, and blue "around the World" for quilts of valor
Michael Young--Christmas Tree quilt of elongated log cabins was designed by Michael. It hangs in his home at Christmas and is decorated with garland, ribbons, and ornaments. He has a 2nd quilt still in the box to be finished.
Linda Wiggins– red/white/blue bargello flag quilt - She teaches this class at Amelia's - also in LSU color way.
Jo Paula Lantier--2 antique quilts from a friend in Pennsylvania (no pun intended). She has questions about some way to clean an old quilt. Amelia provided some answers from an appraiser's view point. Cautions of fugitive dyes and ability to manage water/soap solutions.

FYI... Patchwork Pelicans are having a retreat at the Judson Center, Oct. 5-8th $168.75.
Contact Betty Braud for information. 755-4746

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Auction to benefit Parker House is to be held at the Thursday, October 1 meeting

It’s too hot out to do much in the yard. What a great time to go through your stash!

Do you have some fabric that you don’t think you’ll ever use? Donate it to the auction to make room for those winning bids you’ll bring home.

Do you have some notions that you no longer use? Have you replaced your old rotary cutter with a new one or gotten a ruler that you like better than that old one? Have some scissors or a tape measure? A quilting hoop? Patterns? Templates? Have some great books or magazines that you don’t really read anymore? Make room for new ones. You know what they say, “One person’s trash is another person’s treasure”.

We also need baskets, tins, and other appropriate containers for the auction.

The auction committee will be collecting donations at the August and September meetings, so get busy and recycle your quilting items for Parker House!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Congratulations Glenda!

from Glenda Parks -

CyberFriends Quilt Guild, a national internet guild, holds their Annual Spring Quilt Show online each year in June. This year, I entered four pieces and ended up with four placements! It was quite exciting!

  • 1st place in Machine Pieced Miniatures ‑ Journey to the Center of the Earth
  • 1st place in Small Art Quilts (Mixed Media)
  • 2nd place in Medium Art Quilts (Mixed Media) ‑ Valerie Skis!
  • 3rd place in Small Bed Quilts (Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted) ‑ Matt's Baseball Quilt

I have not received my package of winnings, but certainly there will be ribbons and "large" cash prizes!

How the Para Challenge Came About.......

There were many hands working together for this success:
  • Margie Bumm, 2008 president, set the wheels in motion by presenting the idea as a guild challenge linked to a group entry into AQS Quilt Show.
  • Hurricane Gustav ‑ that event pushed the deadline forward to Feb. 2009, and afforded some members extra time to finish it.
  • Mary Woltmann, 2009 president, who along with Margie, Joni, Kathy Perevosnik, and several others pushed hard to keep the idea alive, filled out and forward entry forms, made digital photos, and did whatever it took to get the Para quilts into the view of the AQS judges.
  • And, last but not least, the participants:
    • Paraphernalia ‑ Barbara Lankford ‑ a small wall hanging done as inspiration, finished with beading and embellishments (shown but not judged).
    • Parasol ‑ Debbie Ingram ‑ (2nd place) used boning to make umbrella edge stand out
    • Parallelogram ‑ Marilyn Halvorsen ‑ Lone Star block is a parallelogram
    • Paradiddle ‑ Diana Maloney (3rd place) ‑ a real word, that means a tempo of drum rhythms (with real sound effects devices on the quilt ‑ Wow!)
    • The Moon Is Making Me Paranoid ‑ Joanna Wilson ‑ (1st place) ‑ a whimsical graphic wall hanging
    • Paraclete ‑ Joyce Perry (2nd place) ‑ a dove on red cross blocks, representative of the Holy Spirit
    • A Pair of Paramecium in Parallel Worlds ‑ Janet Cundiff (2nd) ‑ pears dissected with parallel strips
    • Carter's Playtime Paraphernalia ‑ Debbie Hulett (2nd place)‑ rendition of grandson's toys as applique blocks
    • Paradise Quilt Shop ‑ Nina Delaune (3rd place)
    • Paradise or Pears and Dice ‑ Georgia Narrow

    Who knows what characteristics the jury was looking for?? They saw something in the whimsy, the level of development of theme, and the diversity of the "Para" challenge. Cheers all around for a job well done

P.S.‑‑What about next year??

Pictures of the "Para" challenge quilts are listed in the gallery for the February 2009 Meeting.

President's Message Jul 2009

Hi everyone!

I hope everyone who attended the June meeting was pleased with our "wedding shower," that was the surprise theme. The tableau was a takeoff on the movie, 27 Dresses, that we switched to 27 wedding engagements with 27 quilts that reflected the interests of 27 suitors. It was a hoot, particularly when the audience anticipated a "Robbing Peter to Pay Paul" quilt, which the securities broker prospect had absconded with. It was a very special occasion with so many of YOUR Very Special Quilts.

The REAL BIG SURPRISE was the announcement that our "Para" Challenge had been accepted at the AQS show slated for July 22-25, 2009. I could hardly contain my excitement and pride. Such a thrill !! My thanks to all the participants. (a recap of the challenge is found later in the newsletter)

My thanks go out to the wedding planners who helped me with so many details, to secure the food, decorations, and door prizes. Credits go out to Amelia's Quilt Shop (Amelia Beadle), Connie Ewbank, Beth Jessup, Joyce Perry, and Melanie West who baked the cake. My humble regrets if I forgot anyone.

Joyce LeFleur will be our guest speaker this month with a truck show of a lifetime of quilt-making.

See you soon,

Happy Quilting! Mary

Things to bring to the meeting:
~~ bring the July birthday raffle gifts - see Barbara Hoffman
~~ bring your projects from Beth's Kwik Krazy Tote Class
~~ bring money for Christmas lotto, $2.50 each.
~~ bring your patriotic quilts to hang
~~ bring your regular show & tells, plus tell us about the Louisiana Cotton Pickin' Shop Hop.
~~ F Q Lotto "Red, White, or Blue" - in any combination.

June 2009 Meeting Minutes

minutes of –June 4, 2009 Meeting - Mary Woltmann, president, welcome, 38 members, 2 guests

  • introduction of guests
  • UFO opportunity reminder
  • retreat info
  • July 2nd, next meeting
  • Tote Class with Beth, reminder, sign up on June 13th
  • road trip planned for Friday to quilt shops in Lafayette
  • South LA shop hop, passports on sale July 7th, $15, available at Amelia's
  • Introduced Judy Holley, quilt teacher, gave a showing of her quilts. She shall teach a New York Beauties II class on Sept. 12 to the guild, GSQA member =$20, non-members =$30. Her other circuit class: pet portraits.
  • AQS - our "Para" Challenge had been accepted at the show slated for July 22-25, 2009.
  • Christmas Challenge Lotto Blocks will be available at the July meeting
  • Studio M opens in Denham Springs [see info in store listings]
    Memory Blocks - Suzanne Elliott
    Decisions to make. What do you want the end result to be?? Wall hanging or what size?? Is it square within a square or on-point, what fabrics? Use white muslin or creme'. Draw seam allowance on block to control where participants write the mementos. Use Kona fabrics for stiffness. Use freezer paper ironed to wrong side. Cut with rotary cutter. Ultra Fine point Sharpies for signatures.
    Labels - Joni DeVilbiss
    Remember that all quilts have value and part of the value is the history of its origin. Remember the five (5) W's of journalism - who, what, when, where, and why. The minimum info is the name of maker and for whom it is made. This can be a simple 3x5 inch muslin rectangle place on the backing. Other hints: include a narrative on how it was made and washing instructions. Attach label before quilting, then it is nearly impossible to get off. A label protects your quilt from an easy theft. "Write" your name in the quilting. Write your name hidden under the label, under the sleeve, or placed under the binding. Different types of labels: pre-made, cross stitch, machine embroidery, painted, and stamped. Try different permanent pens: Zig, Pigma, archival inks.
    Quilt Diaries - use a 3-ring binder with clear page sleeves. Make/print pages with digital images of front, back of quilt, details about construction, close-up photos, designer, blocks, fabric samples, batting
    BREAK - A surprise wedding reception/shower was celebrated. There was a "bride" questionnaire that each member filled out by asking questions of fellow members, such as, who eloped, made her wedding dress, married on Valentine's Day (Tommie Morden), married by justice of the peace, saw the movie Father of the Bride?, lots of cute things, plus plenty of cake, cookies, dip, and punch. It was a sweet surprise and a lot of fun. There was a tableau called 27 Dresses. Then there was a drawing for "shower gifts" - recipients were Kathy P., Stella G., Nina D., Pat K., Elaine G., Norma P., Alice F., Kathleen W., Karol G., Suzi M., Caroline D., Linda B., Suzanne E., and Joyce Perry
    Birthday raffle winners: Joni, Suzi, Joyce Perry, and Cynthia,
    Fat Quarter winner: Beth Jessup
    Name Tag winner: Elaine Gosselin
    Treasurer's report from Beth J. - the current status of the River City Guild Accounts
    Balance brought forward from December, 2008 $2,260.63
    + 922.85
    Current Checkbook Balance $3,183.48

    2009 Income $4,166.04
    2009 Expenses 3,243.19

    Currently Ahead from this time last year 922.85
    - Joni - scrap quilti called "Fractured rails" and "Lucky Star"
    - Glenda Parks - Carrie's shower quilt, memory quilt of graduation, making a double wedding ring for Carrie (newly wed), and a divorce quilt for a friend (lemons and lemonade)
    - Beth - new tote "Potato Chip" bag 4 hours to make, hobo bag
    - Nina - a tell about Mama's Bus tour
    - Brenda Gauthier - baby quilt applique from coloring book images
    - Jo Paula - 1/2 log cabin made from batiks, spool quilt for husband's aunt
    - Janet Cundiff - inlaid tile quilt, Lynn R Brown class project in blue and yellow
    - Judy Holley - 4 charity quilts made with Wasted Women at Quilt Corner (they take donations) make quilts for Brave heart, Hospice, BR Crisis Intervention; Chinese coins, flower power, bow ties, stars
    - Joyce Perry - double wedding ring for mom. a 1st quilt category winner at 2005 GSQA show. made LSU raffle quilt for church
    - Elaine Gosselin - 8-pointed star - 500 1/2 square triangles Glory Bound
    - Katy P. gifts from secret sister in Ohio guild, wallet and tissue pack. made penguin fabric quilt for new niece
    - Valerie Barth - tote, quilt retreat, miniature scene of clothes line
    - Linda Baumann - lime, purple, & blue tote
    - Marlene Lewis - round robin embroidered centers, chicken blocks from annual retreat with New Jersey friend
    - Cynthia McGee - Lynn R Brown class project scrap quilt, 9-patch blocks
    Reminder to bring auction items in August.

the end

Monday, June 22, 2009

Thanks Kathy

Special Thanks to Kathy Perevosnik for sharing her pictures of June's meeting with us.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

AQS "Rate-the-Quilter"

Your skill level as a quilter:

  • Beginner - made 5 or less quilts
  • Intermediate - made more than 6 quilts and have tried several techniques
  • Advanced - can make most patterns using almost any technique
  • Expert, teacher, designer, or professional.

Give yourself a little credit. We, as quilters, often times underrate ourselves, out of self-doubt or modesty, as to how we rate our sewing capabilities amongst our guild peers. Take a look at the AQS standards and massage your status a little bit. You may be better than you think.

President's Message Jun 2009

Hi everyone!

As I was getting ready to write the newsletter, I went to our website‑‑I just wanted to marvel over it one more time! The quilts in the monthly show and tell section are simply amazing‑‑all created by our members! We have such a talented and creative group of members! Every month I leave the meeting filled with inspiration and the desire to create!

I hope everyone enjoyed Lynn Roddy Brown's lecture and class as much as I did! I learned a lot and will hopefully put what I learned in my quilts! We were so fortunate to have her visit and teach! Maybe this will be the start of a new tradition for River City.

Our sharing of quilts each meeting continues. We hope that LOTS of you will bring your memento quilts to share: wedding, anniversary, or special occasion quilts! We would love to see them all!! I am really looking forward to what I will see at this month's meeting!

Happy Quilting!

  • Tonight – Very Special Quilts – made for special occasions - Weddings, anniversaries, memory quilts, hand‑made mementos like ring bearer pillows, garters, gifts for the bride, groom, or parents of the bride, and any other sentimental items....AND a program on memory blocks and label making.

    Things to bring to the meeting:

  • bring the June birthday raffle gift - see Barbara Hoffman

  • bring finds & tells about the Mama's Big Bus Tour

  • bring Memento quilts to decorate the room and tell us about the occasion at Show & tell.

  • bring your regular show & tells, plus Lynn Roddy Brown Scrap Quilt Workshop projects.

  • F Q Lotto "Antique White" -a little something (new) for a Bride to Be. Any white-on-white or creme-on-white fabrics that would go great in a newly-wed memento. 2 entries are the max.

  • Wear Your (fiber) Name Tag - your name is then entered in a drawing for a $10 gift certificate.

May 2009 Meeting Minutes

Mary Woltmann, president, welcome, 51 members, 7 guests


  • introduction of guests
  • thanks to Barbara Hoffman for the Sewing Studio program
  • details about the tote class with Beth Jessup on June 13th
  • new guild website announced,
  • guild auction moved to October


- Lynn Roddy Brown lecture - "Scrap Quilts According to Me"
Question, "Who has more fabric than they can ever use?" A show of many hands. Early in her marriage, she received a scrap quilt from a relative and hated it. It was a dark, medium, light quandary.
Scrap Axioms: A well designed scrap quilt makes you "look across" the quilt, not lingering in one spot. Roberta Horton says, 'a scrap quilt cannot be memorized.'
VALUE: the basis of scrap quilting, the placement of value makes the secondary pattern.
MAKE A DECISION AND STICK TO IT: separate darks and lights and stick to it. Don't mix. Arrange all of your fabrics by value light to dark. Look at the sequence. Make sure there is a noticeable "gap" in the value sequence, between the (lightest) dark and the (darkest) light. Do not use fabric that has large dots, the light spots can throw off the value comparison.
SCRAP QUILT BY COLOR - make a 2 color quilt. All the dark values in one color, and all the light values in the 2nd color. Obey the rule, or mistakes will pop out at you. You can "loose the value" if all the red fabrics are the same value. Reds go a long way!! Solids and batiks are for making edges, lines, or stopping points - a soft place for your eyes to rest. Use big prints for borders or backings.
SCRAP QUILT BY RELATED FABRICS - this could be a fabric producer's line (like Moda charm packs), kids' fabrics, Civil War, Thimbleberries, and Kaffe Fassett. Sale table fabrics, the really ugly ones make great scraps. When using children's brights on a common background (either black or white background), use any color other than black to break it up. The edges get lost.
- Muslin goes with everything. "The worse my Life gets, the more I sew."
STAND ALONE BLOCKS - the block pattern is apparent (like churn dash), lights and darks are easily seen on a quilt.
**In Scrap Quilting, through the placement of light and dark values create an underlying structure (or secondary design) and holds the quilt together.
PURPLE GOES WITH EVERYTHING - particularly as a border. Match the value of the quilting thread to the border. Brassy gold thread (Fons & Porter) makes your quilting show up.
BRASSY GOLD FABRIC - makes a great inner border; a clean break. often on the sale table.
SUNKEN COST - THE MANTRA OF EVERY QUILTER - Sunken cost is the money you expended on something that you will not recoup, i.e. you are the mother of the bride, you spend outrageous dollars on a dress you wear only once. The money is spent. In quilting, you purchase fabric for your stash that you just had to have. Same thing. Once the money is spent on your stash, then any quilt you make is in economic terms, "FREE." I like economics!!
LEAVE YOUR GUILT AT THE QUILT STORE DOOR - UFO's don't matter, (see previous paragraph) they are all free. Start another quilt. If the UFO's make you unhappy or pensive, just give THEM away. It's better for your mental health.
A PLACE TO START - Pick a simple block pattern. Pick out 13 fabrics (Fat Quarters). Differentiate between light/dark fabric. Choose fabrics to make 3 blocks. Place in different spots on the design board. Pick other fabrics from the 13, then repeat. Construct a quilt top by moving blocks into different positions. If using "reds" use 1 red per block. Keep making and moving blocks until pleased.
ONE-HALF LOG CABIN - by Sharon Cray has a strong shift in value from light to dark.
SIZE MATTERS - small and tiny prints add interest.
MAKE THE BORDER FIT - for borders, cut "piano keys" the size the same as the block parts (2.5" or whatever works). Then the borders should fit with the use of "cornerstones."
SORT YOUR STASH. LR Brown's stash is separated by hue, then special categories like stripes, plaids, batiks, children's, 30's, Civil War, whatever your quirk is, etc.
WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT? - view the blocks on your design wall through a reducing glass, peephole, digital camera viewfinder, "from across the room, " or just squint.
CUT UP YOUR LEFTOVERS. Take a little time to cut up leftover project fabrics into 2.5" strips, store by value, use at your leisure. Some folks cut several strips just as soon as the fabric is home from the store. LRB had great examples to show and was a real pleasure to listen to.

Birthday raffle winners: Kathy, Debbie H., Cynthia McGee, Elaine Gosselin

Fat Quarter winner: Linda Wiggins

Name Tag winner: Martha deHoop

Thursday, April 30, 2009

President's Message May 2009

Hi everyone!

I know we are all looking forward to Lynn Roddy Brown's lecture and class. We are very fortunate to have her visit the guild. Scrap quilts seem to be a favorite in our guild members and I am sure that we will learn a lot from her. We can all use some new ideas and knowledge that can work well with our Scrap Challenge quilts. This Fall, the results of our Challenge should be awesome!

Thank you, again for sharing your quilts at the meetings. We all enjoy viewing them. I, personally, love to see the walls covered in quilts. I hope you are, too. I leave every meeting so inspired to try something new! And with that in mind, we are asking that you bring quilts that you have done as a Block of the Month or a "First Saturday" sampler quilts to this meeting. Please remember that we also want to see your "regular" show and tell.

Thank you, too, for participating in all the Guild's activities. All of your talent, ideas, enthusiasm, and warm friendship make our monthly meetings a special treat that I look forward to every month.

Happy Quilting! Mary

Things to bring to the meeting:
~~ bring the May birthday raffle gift - see Barbara Hoffman
~~ bring Block of the Month or "1st Saturday" sampler quilts to hang/decorate the meeting room.
~~ F Q Lotto "Potpourri in Blue" - any fabric with blue on it. 2 entries are the max.
~~ bring your show & tells, plus info from the Paducah Quilt Show.

Wear Your (fiber) Name Tag - your name is then entered in a drawing for a $10 gift certificate.

UFO challenge is now open to new members who would like to participate. Talk to Suzanne.

April 2009 Meeting Minutes

minutes of –April 2, 2009
Mary Woltmann, president, welcome, 40 members, 5 guests
- introduction of guests,
- details about the road trip, Robby McHardy on TV, fallen tree caused damage to home and auto
- Para Challenge is mailed to AQS Show – awaiting answer of acceptance
- Reminder about Lynn Roddy Brown lecture and workshop
- Details about Birthday Raffle, New voting style - tweaking of voting methods
- Sew-in date moved to April 18th / Tote Class w/ Beth Jessup on June 13th
- Suzi M. - free-motion quilting sampler from Ann Johnston's class
- Joyce Perry - wood-burned silk made into leaves (teacher: Judy Simmons)
- Connie Ewbank - went to Pigeon Forge for 2 classes: Becky Goldsmith - reverse applique' and
Nancy Smith, who taught Christmas Pickle technique with slide show
- Cheryl Marts - Harriet Hargrave precision piecing lecture
- Barbara Lamb - Attic Window method w/template
- Elaine Gosselin - Bargello made of ombre fabric strips (teacher: Nancy Klein)
HALF-SQUARE TRIANGLE METHOD - Suzanne had hand-out for method
SOMETIME FOR THE SUMMER - Hands on demos for Flying Geese methods, volunteers needed
LSU wall hanging raffle made by Janet Cundiff and JoPaula Lantier
Lilly Willis has XYZ quilt items to sell
GSQA lotto committee meets about kits during the break
$40 was made on Birthday Raffle. Winners: Linda W. won twice, Tommie Morden, Mary Wolf, Suzi, Lilly Willis, (I think I left someone out??)
FQ Lotto winner - Tommie Morden Alyce Lappin won the Name Tag gift certificate

PROGRAM - - "Quilting Spaces for Every Style, Every Space, and Every Budget"
Barbara Hoffman with slide show presentation on Sewing Studio layouts - room size, gadgets, furniture arrangement, ironing surfaces, cutting tables, hybrid inventions, and storage
1) Patti Jarreau 2) JoPaula Lantier 3) Beth Jessup 4) Joni DeVilbiss 5) Thelma Berg
6) Barbara Hoffman 7) Melanie West
GUILD MEMBERSHIP CARDS - handed out, Beth Jessup has the leftovers
New guild WEBSITE - Joni and committee have set up a website where digital pictures and on-line show & tell, links, set-ups, a listing of ongoing projects like Birthday Raffle, Retreat info, annual Challenge guidelines, and upcoming events. It does not replace the newsletter, it enhances it.
The website will be the place to go for constant information about the guild that can be accessed by everyone, near and far.
- Tommie Morden - scrap quilt for daughter w/center medallion and fantasy jewel box, and an old bowtie quilt (100 years old) given to her by a patient
- Beth Jessup - Sew Cool iron bag
- Barbara Lankford - found $20 Victorian crazy quilt jacket on e-bay, what a steal !!
- Margie Bumm - teaching log cabin and stars block at a twilight retreat at Scrap Happy in Kenner, LA
- Amelia Beadle - 1) quilt from 1992 guild challenge, each block was made from each donated packet. 2) $5 Sat. Sampler in chocolate, civil war fabrics
- Michael Young - wall hanging made of kimono silk, exhibited at the Ikebana Show at the Bluebonnet Swamp
- JoPaula Lantier - disappearing 9-patch made with batiks
- Debbie Hulett - finished UFO, Christmas stars
- Merlene Lewis - 1) chocolate rabbits applique, 2) peony blocks, 3) crayon quilt of ladies faces and hats embellished with embroidery
- Joni DeVilbiss - 8-pointed Ohio stars, "Fishing Under the Sea"
- Lilly Willis - XYZ merchandise to sell for 1st Methodist group
- Suzanne Elliott - Floral trellis from Fons & Porter
- Connie Ewbank - Elinor Burns Underground Railroad series
- Linda Wiggins - 8-pointed stars on-point in civil war fabrics
- Joanna Wilson - civil war fabrics in a block within a block format
- Nina Delaune - 8-pointed star quilt, John Flynn feathered star kit (laser-cut)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

President's Message April 2009

Hi everyone!

I hope everyone has had a good quilting month! I know that I did! I had a full week of quilting and sewing while visiting a good friend in Virginia. We got a lot done, but nowhere near what was on our 'to-do" list!

I think we are looking forward to hear your reports on Seminar--classes and vendors!
March 21st was National Quilt Day - that was the date of our first 2009 River City Guild Road Trip and it was a lot of fun!! Nine quilters visited the Quilting Niche in Houma, Scrap Happy in Kenner, and even a JoAnn Fabrics store. I think we are ready to plan another fun-filled road trip--Lafayette, maybe?

We have a great program!!! Barbara Hoffman will present a slide show on sewing rooms. I can't wait to see it!! Thanks to everyone who has helped make this feature such a success. I think we will enjoy it and get some awesome ideas to implement in our personal sewing spaces.
I will try not to be too envious of all these innovative applications for a sewing studio. --My "sewing room" is a corner of a bedroom, a limited and "shared" space.

For April, we continue our focus on themed quilts. Please bring examples of Civil War and 30's quilts. And, last but not least, a new River City Quilt Guild surprise!!

Can't wait,


Things to bring to the meeting:
~~ bring the April birthday raffle gift - see Barbara Hoffman
~~ bring Civil War and 30's reproduction quilts to hang for show & tell.
~~ F Q Lotto "Small to Medium florals" - blossoms, blossoms everywhere. 2 entries are the max.
~~ bring your class work and tell us about your GSQA seminar class

Mar 2009 Meeting Minutes

Mary Woltmann, president, welcome, 39 members, 7 guests > 5 new members
- introduction of guests
- a thank-you gift for Thelma Berg
- Retreat news - date set for Sept 4th, 1st weekend in Feb. 2010, this time of year will be established as an annual guild retreat. Cynthia will order Lynn Roddy Brown books for those who want them.
- Kathy Perevosnik has photos of retreat on her computer.
- UFO Challenge
- New voting methods - tweaking of voting methods, 2 ballots, white and orange
- Greeter position - Joni DeVilbiss
- Tote/Purse class info
- Road trip info - to Scrap Happy in Kenner and the Quilting Niche in Houma - sign up sheet
- GSQA classes are still available
- Next month's program - Barbara Hoffman will make presentation on Sewing Studio layouts - if you have some process or useful item to share, please contact her.
- Lynn Roddy Brown workshop - No sew-in date, conflicts with seminar
- Scrap Challenge - Packets distributed
- Lilly Willis won the fat quarters drawing.
- Cheryl Marts won the Name Tag gift certificate.
- Birthday raffle - 5 gifts. winners: Merlene, Linda W., Beverly, Tracey, and Mary W.
See the pictures
- Beth Jessup - a black & white quilt w/ turquoise, colorful sewing machine pad w/snippet bag, retreat quilt won best of show and children's choice awards
- Tommie Morden - had her 1st great grandchild, "Paradise Garden", tote, convertible tote
- Barbara Lankford - used Alaskan fabrics in quilt for great nephew
- Margie Bumm - sister-in-law quilt was finished in 4 days - used a new pattern, Turning 20 with sashing. Took class with Cindy Blackburn - an 8-pointed star
- Linda Wiggins - panel quilt for new grandbaby. Flag wall hanging made in purple and gold colors
- Merlene Lewis - blue work and red work quilts w/bow tie borders for grandsons. redwork sweetheart blocks w/heart borders. Sunbonnet Sues, Nursery rhyme fabrics in 8-pointed stars, blocks with ribbon border.
- Joanna Wilson - took a Linda Wiggins sampler class that she entered in GSQA beginner category - won 3rd
- Glenda Parks - 1) Thimbleberry quilt 2) Paula Toups class on Cotton Theory 3) Quilt University on-line class transferred pictures
- JoPaula Lantier - sewing machine mat/snippet bag, Fat Quarter tote, Big block stars quilt
- Janet Cundiff - Swamp Exhibit piece was a spotted Forrester caterpillar, a 2-block batik quilt
- Cynthia Mcgee - pattern: Take 3 w/ fat quarters, Fons & Porter fan block on point
- Thelma Berg - scrap quilt with sawtooth sash and borders, Hunter's star from Gayle Wallace class, Attic Windows with appliqued tigers emerging from panes. Useful gadget - moustache trimmer from Walgreen's used as seam ripper.
- Mary Woltmann - pumpkin quilt
the end

about the Lynn Roddy Brown lecture and workshop

April 30th -- a national teacher of scrap quilt techniques will lecture (our May meeting) and shall teach a workshop (Sat., May 2nd). Lecture has a $5 fee for non-River City Guild attendees. Workshop is filled. Supply list- see other details from her website

Lynn Roddy Brown Supply list for the workshop - see other details


Blocks are 8 inches finished. You will need 35, 36, or 48 blocks depending on the quilt size.

Quilt layout - Set:

5 blocks by 7 blocks (40" X 56" without borders) or
6 blocks by 6 blocks ( 48" X 48" without borders) or
6 blocks by 8 blocks (48" x 64" without borders)

She teaches scrap quilt theory, designing on a wall, and precise piecing. Because the block has a diagonal line, there are many setting possibilities. This is to be a "no pressure" fun day of learning.

She shows four versions (settings) of this quilt. There are many more.

Bring stash fabrics, learn the techniques, learn about fabric selection, then decide if you want to continue with a very scrappy quilt or use another options. Since all the blocks made in class will be scrappy, the blocks could be combined into a donation quilt, if you like. Of course, if you love your blocks, you have an easy-to-piece quilt. Check Workshops at for photo of Wild West Shuffle.

FABRIC REQUIREMENTS - All "scraps" used for class must measure at least 5.5" X 20". This is approximately one-third of a fat quarter. Do not cut fabric before class. I want to discuss your choices first. For class you will need 8 light fabrics and 8 medium/dark print fabrics, plus more scraps of different values. Please make sure your choices are 100% good quality cotton, washed and pressed. When selecting fabrics, consider fabrics with different colors and visual textures. The medium/dark fabrics should not have large white or tan spots. Don't bring solids or Moda marbles. Please limit tone-on-tones to those with visual texture. Light fabrics have white, beige or pastel backgrounds. For lights, a small pattern usually works best. Don't try to coordinate your choices.


-Sewing Machine in good working order.
-Seam gauge, if you have one.
-100% cotton thread in either beige or light gray.
-Filled bobbins
-Rotary cutter and mat.
-Extra blades.
-Rotary rulers including a small square ruler with a diagonal line (used to trim half-square triangles). -Usual sewing supplies - scissors, seam ripper, pins, etc.
-Spray Starch (may be shared).
-Simple Strategies for Scrap Quilts (book not required)

April Scrap Quilt Hints

Send in your helpful hints for scrap quilting by e-mail to and see them in this column thru the year-

Many guild members (28) are participating in the Scrap Challenge, plus even more members are fond of scrap quilting for its diversity of outcomes. Whatever your reason, pass along your favorite scrap quilting hints.

There is lots to learn from "scrap" fiber compositions:

-- Use up bobbins filled with "odd" colored threads. Empty bobbins used in past projects. You will then have more bobbins at your disposal. Yes, even the chartreuse "frog" greens and passion purples will disappear into the seams of scrap quilts.

-- Need a clean place to start? Use the neutral pallette threads: white, all shades of gray, black, and tan. Buy these spools on sale. Buy a lot of them.......

-- Use yellow or white as "highlights"to draw the viewer to an area of interest, a figure, or design.

- - Incorporate the use of a value finder (Ruby Beholder), gray scale and color wheel. These tools will help you learn a lot about value and color. The human eye is easily tricked by the medium shades.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Road Trip !

Nine ladies attended the quilting road trip on Saturday, March 21 - Margie, Maureen, Thelma, Mary, Melanie, Beth, Joni, Kathy, Patty. We met at the Shoney's parking lot on Siegen Lane at 8:00am and headed out in two vehicles.

First stop was the Quilting Niche in Houma. We descended on that poor store like starving people at a buffet. There was so much lovely fabric to be had. I am sure that Debbie needed a break after we left. I know that she spent at least a solid hour cutting fabric, especially if you consider that we were in the store for a whole two hours.

Next stop was lunch at Griffin's Grill on Tunnel Boulevard. There were sweet potato fries, caesar salads, po-boys, gumbo, cream of crab soup, catfish, and even bread pudding with Captain Jack rum sauce. It was a much needed recharge before heading for our next stop.

Scrap Happy was happy to see us, when we finally got there about 2:00 or so. So much fabric and so little time. More fabric and more patterns and more books, oh my! Thelma demonstrated the travel mustache trimmer and inspired a few converts. Beth was busy helping a lady pick out fabrics to match her inspiration fabric.

A bonus stop at JoAnn's was next. Margie brought coupons for everybody so we each had a 50% off and a 40% off coupon. More parcels and more parcels. It sure is a good thing we had a mini-van with us.

We had to stop at Wendy's for some cold drinks to cool down after that spending workout. Then there was the trip back while we exchanged books and patterns to look over and discuss on the way home.

What a day! You would have loved it!

Next time, make sure you get to go too.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Sew-In Days

Saturday Sew-In is generally scheduled on the second Saturday of the month. It takes place in the same room as our meetings and starts about 8:00am lasting until 4:00pm or until the last person leaves.

Some people bring their lunch and others get take-out. There is plenty opportunity to visit and work and learn and ask questions. A good time is generally had by all.   Members and guests come with sewing machines and projects they are currently working on. Somebody brings an ironing board and iron as well as risers for the tables to raise them to a standing height useful for basting quilts, etc. Projects can be anything:
  • a quilt needing to be basted (sometimes you can even find help)
  • fabric to be cut for a quilt
  • precut fabric to be sewn into blocks
  • etc.
People have even been known to drop by without projects just to visit and help out.
Occasionally, we have classes that take place during Saturday Sew-In, but these usually require sign-up ahead of time.

Sometimes Sew-In Days are cancelled because of proximity to a holiday or a prior commitment at the location or something. Be sure to check your newsletter for upcoming events to find out for sure if it will take place.