Friday, January 6, 2017

December 2016 Meeting Minutes

You will receive several email announcements over the next week.
There was an enormous amount of info on a variety of subjects discussed at the January meeting.
The info will be sent to you in short intervals as to present clear details on these topics.
The Guild Theme for 2017 is "Sharing - of Time, Talent, and Treasures"
As we set aside the unhappiness and tribulations of last year, let us embrace our sisterhood of quilting and
come together to advance its cause as best we can.
So I shall begin the data stream on Monday.
Stay safe, warm and well,
p.s. - the Second Saturday Sew Day is scheduled for Sat., January 14th and it has some surprises, too.
December meeting Minutes:
River City Quilt Guild Meeting Minutes   December 1, 2016

Forty-four members and four guests attended our meeting in December. 
Joni DeVilbiss  made a motion to suspend the business meeting in lieu of our annual Christmas celebration.  Alice Fredlund seconded the motion and the motion passed in a unanimous vote.
There were so many delicious foods to choose from that were brought pot-luck style from the members.
There were 9 lotto block Christmas tree designed quilt tops awarded. 
We played the trader dice game to exchange 5 inch squares of fabric.

A fun time was had by all!