Friday, January 13, 2017


Ok, your reminders for Saturday, Jan. 14th,

First - *The Giving Quilt Show Entries and **entry form are due on Saturday. 
        Delivered to Daisy's Cottage Creations, Margaret Chair at Quilt Corner, or you can drop off quilts at the Sew- In at St. Paul's .

*       After this date, you may still donate a quilt to TGQ at any time, even on show day, however it cannot be hung for the show.  There are too many logistics to overcome to make that possible.

**      The entry form is available on the website     under "Donations/ Quilt Recipients"
Please fill out the form and identify the recipient organization to receive your donation.

any questions, contact Sherry Herringshaw at

Second - Saturday Sew-In, from 9am – 3pm  - Ya-ll Come !!  AND  Bring a friend !

St. Paul Lutheran Church, 2021 Tara Blvd  (Lori Steib holds the key)  any questions

        This year kicks off a new era of Sew-In Days thanks to a collaborative agreement between River City, Remember Me, and the Baton Rouge Modern Quilt Guild. 
Each guild will take a turn hosting Saturday Sew-In Days throughout the year.  The room reservation fee is generously being sponsored by River City. 

        First to host is Remember Me and we’re going to start with a casual, laid-back kind of feel.  We hope you can use this day as a time to regroup and recover or to gear up for exciting projects you have planned for the new year !

        Bring your sewing machines, any supplies you will need, and projects that you wish to work on.  
Opportunities abound:
- does a quilt need to be basted ? (raised tables and assistance)
- does fabric need to be cut
- do blocks need to be sewn together
- anything that requires space and help??

        Ironing boards and irons will be set up as well as cutting mats, risers for the tables so that they will be at a comfortable height with little bending.
        Bring drinks, a brown bag lunch, or eat take-out.

It is an opportunity to mix and mingle with quilters from the different guilds, renew friendships and forge new ones, get a little work done, learn something new or answer that burning question of a stubborn sewing issue, come out on Saturday.

        Invite a friends.  All are welcome.