Monday, October 3, 2011

President's Message - October 2011

Wow, what a whirlwind month! If you were inspired by Sherry Herringshaw like I was, you've been busy making small quilts for AAQI. I've made 4 so far. Paper pieced log cabin quilts are too much fun.

We had a great board meeting on Sat., the 24th, and you will really really like the quilts that the board constructed. We ended up with so many blocks that we now have 1 large quilt top and 1 lap size. These quilts will be displayed at the Nov. meeting and will be used as a fund-raiser for future national teachers. The tickets will be sold to members for $5 and buy as many as you like. We have great ideas for national teachers for 2012.

I'm so excited about the upcoming Auction! Infinite thanks to Jo Doherty for her labors to put together a vast collection of lovely baskets. 80% of the proceeds will go to the Parker House and 20% will be retained by RCQG. We will be setting up the auction beginning at 2:00 pm. If you are able to help with set up and/or transporting items from Jo's house to church, please contact her ASAP, (h) 767-4960 (e)

A brief rundown of Auction Procedures: When you enter the building:

(1) Members and guests sign in and get a bidder number; that is your personal number for the evening.

(2) You may begin bidding as soon as you register. All silent auction baskets are numbered with corresponding numbered bid sheets and a brief description of the contents. Those sheets stay with the basket.

(3) If you are interested in a basket, simply write your bidder number and the amount of your bid on the sheet. To increase the bid, the minimum increment is $1. Bid more......and bid often......

At the end of the silent auction: Designated runners pick up the bid sheets. A group of clerks will tally the bids for each bidder. There will be stations numbered 1 20, 21 50, 51 75, 76 100, 101 125, etc. When it is time to pay, you will go to the line that corresponds to your bid number. Your total will be calculated for you. When you receive your total form, there will be a runner who will pull your baskets by number and give them to you. This set of operations is to alleviate confusion in distribution of winnings.

In the meantime, while you wait for the tallies to finish, please be seated. (4) The LIVE AUCTION will commence, Suzi as auctioneer presides. After the live auction we will have Show & Tell. (5) During the entire evening, Jo will have a Cash Ticket Table, like the birthday table drawing, you purchase 4 tickets for $1 or use exact change; no change will be made. Please bring your checkbooks and cash - you will need both.

(6) At the conclusion of Show & Tell, queue up at your bid number station and pay for your goodies.

Christmas Party plans are coming together nicely. Valerie Barth and committee will be meeting before the auction to talk about details. If you signed up to work on the Christmas party, please come early (6 pm).

Nominations are open for officers for 2012. It is one item of business that we must take care of before the Nov. meeting (according to our bylaws). If you are interested in serving, please contact Lilly Willis.

We shall suspend guild operations of birthday table, fat quarter lotto, and the name tag drawing until the Nov. meeting.

Hope this isn't TMI!
Best regards,
Jo Paula

Bring to the meeting:
  • Your friends, your money and your smile
  • Show and Tell
  • Your fiber name tag
  • Wear something for Halloween if you wish
  • Christmas Lotto Blocks - this is the deadline
  • Birthday table items