Things have been quiet at my house for now. I made another trip to see Dana in Plano, TX and visited Fabric Fanatics, of course! I am working on a quilt for my older daughter that has large sunflowers in it. If/when I get it done, I'll bring it to show & tell.
The GSQA show is coming up and I hope several of you enter your beautiful quilts. The deadline for paperwork was Fri. Feb. 24th. Wasn't that skit great last month! Thank you Debbie and all your helpers.
The upcoming program for March should be helpful to all of us who send quilts out to be quilted by someone else. We will gain a new appreciation for the challenges these ladies face when handed a top that is less than perfect. There was a listing of long-arm quilters in the Feb. newsletter. And I am looking for to our next two "First and Favorite" presenters: Paula Toups and Suzanne Elliott.
The retreat is coming up and I'm looking forward to spending the weekend with the "re-treaters". There is still space available if you would like to attend. Details are in the newsletter. Retreat begins on Friday, the day after the March meeting. We should have some surprising show & tell at the April meeting.
Got to go see you next week.,
Bring List for Meeting:
- Patch No Work quilt tops from Beth's class.
- Fat Quarters for F.Q. Lotto - Batik Blues from medium to dark. 2 is the maximum.
- Fiber Name Tag: Sign in. You could win a $10 gift certificate or $10 cash
- Show & Tell to share with the members
- Completed Wonky House Lotto Blocks
- Items for the Birthday Table