Sunday, August 31, 2014

President's Message - September 2014

Please join us in September to participate in our annual auction to benefit Parker House and River City's educational activities.  Candy Bergeron and the Auction Committee have been working hard to present an evening filled with camaraderie and competition over baskets that overflow with goodies and a live auction, as well.  Elena Acosta has been working in the background to ensure an efficient exit at the end of the event. 

Out of all the committees on which you can serve, the Nominating Committee is one that impacts all the activities for the coming year.  The slate that is presented to the membership, plus any guild members nominated from the floor, have a vision of what River City is, and can be.  Barbara Lankford is chairing the committee this year.  Please contact her to participate.
"River City begins with you." 
See you soon, Renee

The Bring List

- bring your finished Christmas Blocks for one last chance. This is the deadline.

- bring juvenile quilt blocks for Community Sew Day.  See Connie
- bring/wear your fiber name tag for the chance at a prize
- bring your checkbook for all of those fabulous buys available at auction

Friday, August 1, 2014

President's Message - August 2014

Everywhere I've lived there has been a "fifth" season.  In Chicago, it was late spring and Construction Season; in San Diego, it was that summer for locals started in late August, when the water truly warms up and the tourists go home.  While this particular trend is just taking hold among quilters on the West Coast, it seems southern quilters have long enjoyed  a "Quilting Retreat Season."

At guild last month at the sign-in table, I posed this question:  If you went on a one-month quilt retreat- what would you hope to accomplish?  (If you didn't write anything down, think about it now, out loud, what you would have written?)  

By stating your intent, you've taken the very first step in moving forward.  If you're not planning to attend retreat with friends, you can certainly try to set aside some time at home to duplicate the experience.  It might mean cooking meals in advance or trading babysitting time with a friend.   My personal answer to the retreat question was to "Learn to use the line drawing function in Photoshop and finish my third Louisiana wildlife piece."  It will definitely take me longer than a four-day retreat to accomplish this, but in a moment of complete fancy, I spoke from my heart.  What is on your Quilt Bucket List??  Carpe diem ----

I'd love to hear your suggestions-think "River City begins with me." 

See you soon, Renee