Thursday, June 1, 2017

President's Message - June 2017


This meeting we will have Candy Bergeron present her lecture on Broderie Perse.  She will have beautiful quilts and samples to view.  If you have quilted items using this technique, please bring them to Show & Tell.

Not to steal Candy's thunder, but in French "broderie perse" means Persian embroidery, but it also refers to the lovely technique of appliquing printed chintz flowers and other motifs onto another fabric. These exquisite quilts have been made since the 1700s.

Historically, chintz fabrics were prevalent in the port city of New Orleans in the early 1800's.

At the 2016 Houston Quilt Show, there was an example of BRODERIE PERSE quilting on display in the exhibit hall that dated back to 1850.  The chintz fabrics (called polished cotton when I was a child) were as beautiful and brilliant as the day it was quilted.  It was expertly preserved and continues to be a stunning textile 167 years later.

Also at this June meeting, the first of 5 designs for Christmas Lotto Blocks will be ready for purchase. Next month, in July, we will celebrate "Christmas in July" with a pot-luck supper and other special details.

Just a reminder, along with crawfish season and football season, June 1st marks the beginning of Hurricane Season.  Just be apprised that the guild works on the "Prudent Woman" contingency plan. If there is bad weather, whether rain or snow on meeting night, act as your own steward for your own safety.  If it is perilous for you to travel that evening, then stay home.  We all have our limitations.  If we can send out an email quickly enough, then a message will be sent to you as soon as possible.

Hurricane fun fact - Walmart sells the most Pop-Tarts during a storm event.

Thanks to Elena for last month's demonstration on how cutting machines work and how it can be applied to quilting and crafting.  Some models scan and cut original designs.

Thanks to our refreshment ladies for this month.

SEW, dear ones, be inspired, as I am by your creativity and drive,


the Bring list

  • bring Show & Tell. Regular stuff and Broderie Perse quilts
  • bring items/monies for the Birthday Table, lotto kits, 
  • bring  for Fat Quarter Drawing -  "Turquoise/ Aqua"   (max. of 4 Fat Quarters) (Ladies - your fat quarters may be solids or prints.  You can mix your choices.)
  • wear your Fiber Name Tag:  You could win $10 in River City Bonus Bucks !!
  • bring  $$ for Christmas Lotto Blocks -- 5 distinctly different mystery designs,see Jo Doherty and Joni DeVilbiss

May 2017 minutes

River City Quilt Guild

May 18, 2017 Meeting

  1. Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm and welcome given by Daisy Comeaux, President.
  2. There was 1 guest at the meeting. 29 Members in attendance. No one stood up for May Birthdays.
  3. Treasurer Cindy Jones gave report for April 2017. We have 80 paying members at this point. The bank balance as of April 30, 2017 is $9912.66. Glenn Parks made motion to accept report and was seconded by Paula St. Romain. It passed by membership with no discussion.
  4. Announcements and Business before break:
    1. Elena Acosta announced that there was no border challenge for the Selfie Round Robbin Challenge this month, but a new one will be announced in June.
    2. Alice Fredlund said 39 lotto blocks were completed and 2 partial blocks completed. Drawing was made after break and Charlene Wilson and Mary White were winners. A new lotto block will be started in June. No one had a preference for type of blocks.
    3. Changes in Combined Sew Day was changed to May 20 because of conflicts with St. Paul's Church. Bebe Tulley will be host for River City. The future dates so far are: June 17-BR Modern Guild, July 15-Remember Me (Beth Jessup will teach a Cross-Body Tote project), and August 12-River City.
    4. Renee Hoeprich said that the Bridge of the Trouble Waters had 3 storage units, and they received 10000 yds. of fabric, 60 sewing machines, lots of notions, and 20 sewing cabinets
    5. Daisy Comeaux is working with Lori Steib of Remember Me and Kathy Poche of Cajun Country Quilters to coordinated Gail Garber's trip to Baton Rouge area. Cena Harmon of GSQA Coordinator for Gail's trip will not be able to firm details until after June when she gets back from a trip. We are hoping to have a class on Tuesday and we have been invited to lecture that night at Remember Me. River City will contribute to costs. More information will be coming as soon as known.
    6. Family of Zelma Hogan was sponsoring a dale of Zelma's collection of 20 years of quilting supplies. Proceeds to help defray medical costs on Saturday May 20.
  5. Break was taken for Birthday Table opportunities, refreshments.
  6. Program given by Elena Acosta showing how cutting machines work and how can be applied to quilting.
  7. Bebe Tulley, Secretary announced that the April minutes were sent out by Suzie Montague and asked if there were any questions. There were no questions. Elena Acosta made motion to accept report and Sherry Herringshaw seconded. Motion carried.
  8. More Announcements and business:
    1. Renee Hoeprich showed what she learned at GSQA POE- Folding Quilts for storage. Use diagonal to avoid stress on fabric.
    2. Renee Hoeprich announced that GSQA is having an English Paper Piecing Challenge. She demonstrated and handed out patterns to those interested.
    3. Renee Hoeprich and Jo Paul Lantier were recognized as Volunteers of year by the Giving Quilt for their Bridge Over Trouble Waters work.
    4. The Giving Quilt sponsored the UPSIDE DOWNS to benefit Down Syndrome Children. NALESTOUGH event is scheduled for August 26, 2017. This is for children who have lost a parent in law enforcement. It will be at Highland Presbyterian Church. Roberta Wilson, Candy Bergeron, and Sherry Herringshaw are in charge of this event.
    5. The next quarterly meeting of GSQA POE will be August 19, 2017 in Biloxi, MS. Alice Fredlund volunteered to represent RCQG.
    6. Roberta Wilson will be installed as President for GSQA January 20, 2018. Sherry Herringshaw will be in charge of reception and will coordinate 5 guilds participation. Judy Holley made a motion that RCQG would participate and pay share of costs for reception. It was seconded by Alice Fredlund and membership voted. Motion carried.
    7. The fat quarter lotto winner was Mary Daigle and Fiber Name Tag winner was Kathleen Dabney.
    8. Elena Acosta gave results for Teacher Survey. 30 people responded. Survey will be sent out again. At this point the findings of survey was: The most popular class was Pet Portrait, then New York Beauty, both taught by Judy Holley. The third most popular was Into the Woods by Connie Ewbanks. Saturday is the most popular day to be taught with Monday the least favorite time.
    9. Program in June will be announced. July meeting will be Christmas In July again.
Submitted by Bebe Tulley, Secretary