Tuesday, May 1, 2018

President's Message - May 2018

Welcome Ladies,

How is your UFO challenge project coming along?  Mine is DONE!  And it is one that absolutely qualifies for the extra challenge that Suzanne gave us, (the walk-around project). I hope everyone will bring one to the meeting.  I can't wait to see them all.  It is always so inspiring to see what you all have accomplished.

The Gail Garber class was quite a success.  We had 19 students participate.  I personally enjoyed Gail's teaching style and techniques.  Her lecture on Tuesday night at Remember Me Guild was very entertaining.  I love hearing quilter's stories. I f you attended any of her classes, please bring whatever work  you have done so far, for show and tell.

Lotto blocks are due this month.  The "Lotto Ladies", a.k.a. Sherry, Smittie, and Marchita, will collect the blocks this meeting, take them home and sort the blocks into pleasing combinations, then the winners will be drawn in June.

Due to the hanging of the UFO Challenge, Suzi, Margie and Connie,"The Challenge Ladies" will have another demo in June.  Suzi's presentation about color and value gave as some tips for choosing fabrics for our quilts. Have you started work on any of the challenges yet? 

Enjoy the nice weather while it lasts, See you all May 3rd.   
