minutes of –July 2, 2009 Meeting - Mary Woltmann, president, welcome, 45 members, 4 guests
- introduction of guests - Thank you's for patriotic quilts and Christmas in July quilts hanging up.
- UFO report by Suzanne Elliott --please call or e-mail her as you finish your projects.
- Scrap challenge report - some quilters have finished their piece, some over-achievers have finished two quilts.
- West Baton Rouge Museum has an Abraham Lincoln challenge (contact details are in the newsletter)
- Several members are going to the Knoxville show. The guild's Para Challenge was accepted there.
- Thanks to all who helped pack and ship the challenge, particularly Thelma Berg.
- New York Beauties II class on Sept. 12 with Judy Holley, see Joyce Perry for payment and supply list.
- Labor Day Retreat updates, pay Cynthia. You can stay on Monday, Labor Day for free, but you provide your own meals. **Participants may stay on Monday, Labor Day for free, but you provide your own meals.
- August Shop Hop info (see newsletter)
- Christmas (Lotto Blocks)- Tree Blocks and Star Blocks (8-pointed stars), all with a common background fabric (a piece of border as color palette guide for coordinating fabrics). The 6 inch center of the star may be any one of a number of traditional pieced designs in hand-out, but not one solid piece of fabric. Unfinished at 14". Will be trimmed by the assembly committee. Return finished block in Aug. for 3 chances, in Sept. for 2 chances, and lastly, at the Oct. meeting for 1 chance (the deadline).
- 2 sign up sheets: Volunteers to bring a wrapped Christmas gift to the party as a door prize (similar to the shower gift door prizes at the bridal reception in June.) Those interested in participating in a hand-made pin cushion exchange. You must sign up to be eligible for the pin cushion drawing.
- For Christmas giving the guild will Adopt-a-Family (Beth Jessup does contacts) Gifts and cash donations from members.
- quillow kits - please take a kit to finish for Parker House
- Please come early, socialize, get seated, and be ready to start the meeting on time @ 6:45 JoPaula makes motion, accepted.
- winners: Mary Wolf won both FQ's and name tag gift certifcate.
Joyce LeFleur - My Life in Quilts - dates, quilts, recipients, and labels are so important.
(Joyce is the mother of Lucy Landry, a local, well-known doll maker and quilter.)
1979 - Sunbonnet Sue/Overall Bill for granddaughter
Iris Applique, quilt teacher was Katherine Watts
Purple/lilac 2-blocks alternating
1930's applique roses and braided borders (made 2 quilts )
Blue/gray/creme Baton Rouge block
2005 Katrina Mystery quilt in Browns
Scrappy Flowers (her own design) w/ flying geese
Cabbage Rose applique
Baltimore Album, cornucopia applique w/ maple leaves
New York Beauty in rich tones
Santa Applique quilt from Willie Holt pattern at the Thimble
Fiber Flowers - art quilt with organza and Shasiko stitching
Flower -Swamp applique piece
Cypress Scene -Swamp piece
Sunday in the Park wall hanging
Santa at the Window applique
Unicorn Tapestry Applique - fashioned after real French tapestry - Joyce drew the pattern
1996 Christmas Nativity scene
Old World Santa in Burgundy Redwork/Toille
Friendship stars w/ applique border
Oriental Birds applique design w/ spool border
Stained Glass Window design w/ apple border
Applique design w/ Bible verses, birds, and flowers
Winding Ways in Civil War fabrics
Court House Steps from silk ties in miniature
Oriental birds
Leaves - made with discharge method using bleach on black (makes copper color)
Four Seasons - blackberry bush, white flowers
(Joyce states, "Value is very important. it makes the picture jump out.") Uses size 80 machine needles
She has made 120 quilts **see these quilts on the guild blogspot
--The guild members gave her a standing ovation and our many thanks for such a wonderful gift to share, a lifetime of quilts, with many more quilts to come.
Joyce received a small thank you gift from Mary.
Mary Woltmann---2 Americana quilts
Karen Perron---Liberty and Watermelon for All - a red, white & blue, stack and whack design
Joni D--quilted a Turning 20 on Norma's long arm, first quilt WITH a label
Elaine Gosselin--Fat quarter Hobo bag, paper-pieced star quilt w/ log cabins
Connie Ewbank–red/white/blue sampler quilt with snowball borders, friendship star, Ohio star, quilts of valor
Suzanne Elliott - t-shirt quilt for niece - Volley balls in sashing
Debbie Ingram--cat fabric tote bag, cat quilt top (charm quilt, each fabric used once), flag wall hanging
Nina Delaune– 2 UFO's, Storm at Sea, blue/gold leaves, carpenter's star, Ralph Lauren sheeting
Janet Cundiff--black/white/red French Braid quilt
Mary Ann Godso–hand applique Butterfly quilt, "All Dolled Up" pattern w/ shoes, hat, purse, and flowers
Caroline Derbes--purse from Beth's class. cotton theory table runner
Merlene Lewis--5 patriotic quilts: redwork w/ rail fence, bargello flag, 8-pointed star with a smaller 8-pointed stars for center, heart blocks in red/white/blue, friendship stars, vest w/ mom's apple pie and lady bugs, 2 baby quilts: 1 bluework embroidery -elephants, and 1 pink ballerina quilt
Barbara Lankford–table runner, UFO-cheater cloth circus quilt for charity, an Internet source for Featherweight bobbins (see newsletter). a tell - Lucy Landry's Fairy Doll was featured in Art Doll Quarterly magazine
Lilly Willis–took "Right Brain Drawing" class taught by Caroline Derbes (B. Lankford did also), 911 quilt - Sunbonnet Sues - Hearts and Hands - Uncle Sams in red/white/blue
Diana Moreno--Irish star with hearts
Beth Jessup--red, white, and blue "around the World" for quilts of valor
Michael Young--Christmas Tree quilt of elongated log cabins was designed by Michael. It hangs in his home at Christmas and is decorated with garland, ribbons, and ornaments. He has a 2nd quilt still in the box to be finished.
Linda Wiggins– red/white/blue bargello flag quilt - She teaches this class at Amelia's - also in LSU color way.
Jo Paula Lantier--2 antique quilts from a friend in Pennsylvania (no pun intended). She has questions about some way to clean an old quilt. Amelia provided some answers from an appraiser's view point. Cautions of fugitive dyes and ability to manage water/soap solutions.
FYI... Patchwork Pelicans are having a retreat at the Judson Center, Oct. 5-8th $168.75.
Contact Betty Braud for information. 755-4746