Friday, December 31, 2010

President's Message January 2011

Happy New Year River City!

Dear Quilting Friends, 2011 is almost here and River City’s new leaders take over the helm. I speak for all of the officers as well as committee coordinators when I say, “Wow, we have a lot planned for this year and it’s only January.” We hope that you will embrace new leadership roles so that we all may keep the guild on a robust and progressive track.

Please make plans to attend the meeting on Thursday, Jan. 6. Fellow RCQG member, Jean Griffin, will do the presentation. You will become familiar with one of Jean’s many talents, she creates felted wool pin cushions. These were very popular sellers at the Michael Young Fest! She will demonstrate its construction as well as provide a supply list. Keep this in mind for December gift giving! Jean just might bring some to sell, too.

At last, the infamous 2010 Mystery Quilts will be displayed for your viewing and voting pleasure. We will have Viewer's Choice Award Ribbons and Prizes for the winners. We will also unveil the 2011 Mystery Quilt first installment. Glenda Parks has been busy searching for a new and exciting mystery.

River City is hosting the GSQA meeting on Saturday, January 22nd at St. Paul's! We need coordinators and volunteers to work this event. Flavin Glover will be the key-note speaker.

Classes: Because of the success of all of our fund raising efforts in 2010, we are able to contract with four (4) national speakers/quilters. Please visit their websites for more information on their specialties.
January 21: Flavin Glover, (Innovative Log Cabin Courthouse Steps Workshop at St. Paul's) There are still a few openings left.

January 27 31: Bonnie Hunter,

April 7/9: Judy LaQuidara:

July TBA: Jodi Barrows:

More details on the classes and registration information for future workshops will appear later.

Bonnie Hunter teaches scrap quilting. Unfortunately, both River City classes are full, Jan. 27th “Cathedral Stars” and Jan. 28th, “Pineapple Blossom,” but we’ve compiled a waiting list. However, Stash Builders Quilt Guild in Gonzales is also offering two of her classes. Those classes will be offered on Sun., Jan. 30th and Mon., Jan. 31st. To sign up, please contact Noreen Mazzaroppi (home 225 673 9847 or cell 225 715 6133 or ).

the Bring List for January:

  • Mystery Quilts: Bring your 2010 mystery quilts to hang. Voting and prizes. Then bring $ to get signed up for the new 2011 mystery quilt with the first set of instructions. (see Glen Parks)
  • 2011 Membership Application: Forms are available at the January meeting. Please bring a blank check made payable to River City or cash because, we shall discuss and vote to determine if we increase the amount of annual dues. Please renew your application before March. We will revise the membership list then and want you to be included! (see Joyce Perry, treasurer)
  • UFO List: It is time again to go through your project boxes and prioritize. What do you hope to finish in 2011? More details about UFO's later in the newsletter. (see Suzanne Elliott)
  • January Birthday Table: Bring your donations and address labels (see Jo Doherty and Mary Wolf)
  • CAAWS Project: Bring Animal related fabric for "cage comforters" project (see Lilly Willis)
  • Show & Tell: Bring in projects and Christmas gifts to show to the group.
  • Fat Quarter Lotto: "Black & White" Max. of 2 entries. See Suzi
  • The Giving Quilt Project: Fabric donations for charity quilts (see Candy Bergeron)
  • Your Friends and Family: Bring those who may be interested in becoming a RCQG member
  • Fiber Name Tag: You could win a $10 gift certificate
  • Ink pen so you can sign up for some of our wonderful committees!!!
All of the committee chairmen and members are looking forward to working with you during the coming year. We are still adding to the committee rosters. I hope that you seriously consider volunteering for some task. It takes a village or it takes a whole guild to sustain the progress we’ve made in the past year! I know I have a huge pair of shoes to fill and I can only do it with your help!

Best regards to all of you and I am really looking forward to 2011 and all that we plan to accomplish in the River City Quilt Guild!

Jo Paula Lantier

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

President's Message December 2010

Hi to All,

Merry Christmas!!! How can I possibly be typing those words? The days, weeks, and months, just keep flying by. Our Christmas Party is just a few days away December 2rd. It promises to be a great time for all! And we can all agree that River City Quilt Guild has some great cooks! One thing that is certain and that is that our dinner will be delicious!

I was lucky enough to see the Christmas Lotto quilts they are too beautiful! I know that there will be some very happy winners at our meeting.

Don't forget your wrapped gifts, Toys For Tots, and food donations.

A very big thank you to all the participants in our Circle of Life challenge! Your response was wonderful. The talent and creativity of our members continues to be extraordinary!

The board and I would also like to thank you for your great support for our "quilt gift". We raised almost the full cost of Bonnie Hunter's lecture in January ($350). Thank you! And congratulations to Martha Landry, who won the quilt top.

I also want to thank you, the membership, who contribute so much to our guild. Your support of River City Quilt Guild has been invaluable to me for these past two years. I sincerely appreciate your willingness to step forward and serve. We have been able to offer many activities, classes, and community service opportunities because of your willingness to help. Thank you, again! Your talents and efforts not only make our guild a wonderful group, but you also help to preserve the art of quilt making for the future.

In closing, I want to thank you for allowing me to be your president for the last two years. It has been a privilege and I have truly enjoyed it.

Happy Quilting in the New Year!!!


P. S. - "Jo Paula, Tag -You're It!! And you are going to love it..."

For the meeting:
  • Wear your Christmas Sweaters & finery
  • Wear Your (fiber) Name Tag
  • bring your prepared dish with a serving utensil
  • bring a wrapped handmade item for -- Gift Exchange (voluntary participation - see Beth Jessup)
  • bring December birthday table items
  • bring donated food items for the food bank
  • bring an unwrapped toy for the "Toys for Tots" gift campaign