Wednesday, December 1, 2010

President's Message December 2010

Hi to All,

Merry Christmas!!! How can I possibly be typing those words? The days, weeks, and months, just keep flying by. Our Christmas Party is just a few days away December 2rd. It promises to be a great time for all! And we can all agree that River City Quilt Guild has some great cooks! One thing that is certain and that is that our dinner will be delicious!

I was lucky enough to see the Christmas Lotto quilts they are too beautiful! I know that there will be some very happy winners at our meeting.

Don't forget your wrapped gifts, Toys For Tots, and food donations.

A very big thank you to all the participants in our Circle of Life challenge! Your response was wonderful. The talent and creativity of our members continues to be extraordinary!

The board and I would also like to thank you for your great support for our "quilt gift". We raised almost the full cost of Bonnie Hunter's lecture in January ($350). Thank you! And congratulations to Martha Landry, who won the quilt top.

I also want to thank you, the membership, who contribute so much to our guild. Your support of River City Quilt Guild has been invaluable to me for these past two years. I sincerely appreciate your willingness to step forward and serve. We have been able to offer many activities, classes, and community service opportunities because of your willingness to help. Thank you, again! Your talents and efforts not only make our guild a wonderful group, but you also help to preserve the art of quilt making for the future.

In closing, I want to thank you for allowing me to be your president for the last two years. It has been a privilege and I have truly enjoyed it.

Happy Quilting in the New Year!!!


P. S. - "Jo Paula, Tag -You're It!! And you are going to love it..."

For the meeting:
  • Wear your Christmas Sweaters & finery
  • Wear Your (fiber) Name Tag
  • bring your prepared dish with a serving utensil
  • bring a wrapped handmade item for -- Gift Exchange (voluntary participation - see Beth Jessup)
  • bring December birthday table items
  • bring donated food items for the food bank
  • bring an unwrapped toy for the "Toys for Tots" gift campaign