Sunday, February 3, 2013
President's Message - February 2013
Dear Guild Members,
River City Quilt Guild is off to a wonderful start this year! Much of the planning for this year is
completed and you will hear all about it at our February meeting. Mid-January was our newest additional sew-day, Third Tuesday Sew In, at St. Margaret’s Church. Remember that day: COLD, WINDY and WET one of the worst weather days in January! However, five brave members did meet and worked on various projects. I hope to see more members in February, weather permitting of course.
Along with several guild members, I attended the Gulf States Quilting Association meeting in Lafayette hosted by Guild Acadienne. The afternoon program was given by Betsy Chutchins, the Gone to Texas author and quilter. It was so informative lecture. She taught two classes in the area and I hope to see what our members accomplished in those classes during Show and Tell.
Speaking of Show and Tell, February will start the first of your four UFO’s as show and tell presentations. Please bring one of your UFO projects that you intend to complete this year and share it with the group as "completed" or “in progress”. See Suzi’s fabulous newsletter for more details on the meeting!
Keep quilting! Barbara
The Bring List
- guild applications and dues ($20)
- $$ for lotto block kits
- Show & Tell - tell us about the GSQA Meeting in Lafayette, Diamond quilts, etc.
- Fat Quarters for F.Q. Lotto drawing: Red/White/Heart prints - see Jackie
- Your Fiber Name Tag: Sign in. *You could win a special prize from the grab bag.
- A list of your 4 UFO projects you plan to work on in 2013.