Thursday, August 1, 2013

President's Message - August 2013

Hello, Quilt Guild Members!

July was a very busy and productive month. You will hear the results at the August meeting, so be sure and read your newsletter so you won’t be left in the dark!

There is so much going on in the local quilt world this month -- please share your experiences at the August meeting. I also hope to hear from the folks who attended the GSQA meeting in Picayune, MS. We are all looking forward to the Shop Hop on the 2nd and 3rd weekends in August.  It will soon be time to "hit the road!"  Don't forget the Sassi- Strippers Quilt Exhibit at Jones Creek Library until August 31st.  Their membership puts on quite an annual show with a Community Service Day on August 17th. We have a guild retreat planned for the end of the month thru Labor Day at The Felicianas.

For many of us, July was an opportunity for vacation and relaxation. I have heard about trips in all parts of the United States, as well as out of the country. My husband and I spent a week on the Alabama-Florida gulf coast. While he went deep sea fishing with his nephews, I pieced a quilt top......and it was one of my UFO’s!!  I had some good beach time, sitting amid hundreds of colorful umbrellas and chairs. As I looked around, I thought about a quilt with a line of multicolored fabrics going across the quilt with a sandy beach below and blue-white surf above.  It was a very pleasant day-dream!!

Many, many thanks to guild members for a great July 11th meeting, and to those who had come forward and expressed their interest in extraordinary guild activities such as the auction.

We have an interesting slate of classes coming up so check your email frequently and register early as classes are announced and fill up.

Looking forward to seeing you at the August meeting!  Keep quilting,        


The Bring List

  • bring your Carrie Nation Lotto Block for the drawing; 2 sets to draw.  See Ellen Baldridge.
  • bring/return  Christmas Lotto Blocks - (Stars and Ho-Ho blocks)  Tommie & Karen Perron
  • bring Fat Quarters for a F.Q. Lotto drawing: Batik Leaves  - see Jackie Wood
  • bring & wear your Fiber Name Tag:  Sign in.  You could win a special prize from the grab bag.
  • bring payment balance for the River City Retreat (8/30-9/2).  Details in newsletter. See Cynthia
  • bring your $25 to sign up for Michael Young's Big Diamond Quilt Class.  First Paid, First in the Class.  Details in the Calendar.
  • bring empty baskets and containers for the auction.  See Lilly Willis.
  • bring  Show & Tell - UFO show & tell #2, show us your progress. Tell us about Sisters, Oregon.......