Saturday, December 21, 2013

President's Message - January 2014

The New Year and our first meeting of 2014 are right around the corner!  In my household, we look forward to returning to our happy routines, although we will miss playing dominoes and watching football. I hope you, too, have opportunities to build special memories with your loved ones.

The information I shared at the board and committees meeting included our financial status and future plans for activities this year; a copy of the budget was sent to you on December 16th.   Please contact me directly with any comments or questions.  

I do appreciate the commitment and generosity of our members who have offered to fill committee positions.  With their help, we will have a calendar of activities and monthly meetings that will be of interest to everyone.  Please take a moment to think about in what capacity you'd like to participate whether it be at the committee or one event level.

Our program for January will be Organizing Your Sewing Space. Thanks to everyone who submitted photos; to Ellen Baldridge, who provided the idea; and to Sherry Herringshaw, for the loan of her projection equipment.   Organization will also be the theme for the evening's agenda, as the year's calendar (a work in progress) is shared with you.  The timing of some events will be changed, as three national speakers will present lectures and workshops in April, July, and October.
One change that will occur during the monthly meetings will be the order of activities.  I want to build on the connections Barbara made within the guild in 2013.   By moving Show and Tell to an earlier spot in the evening will provide us more time to share our quilts with each other. The Show and Tell committee will "show" your quilt so you can focus on the "tell" part.   Committee members will then display your piece on tables or the design wall so we can look at them more closely during the break.

The work of the Friendship Groups/New Member Activities committee will start right at the door with Tommie greeting guests and new members.  Charlene Wilson will keep track of existing "bees"and new groups with varied interests looking to organize. The new opportunities can be tracked by location and meeting times.  Do you want to form groups like the Bonnie Hunter Fan Club? Featherweight Aficionados? or Judy Niemeyer Support Group?. What's your pleasure?

So please come join us for an evening filled with quilts and fellowship.       


The Bring List

  • bring your membership application and check for $20 to Elena.  Fill in comments for Joni.
  • bring items and monies for the Birthday Table.
  • bring your payment balance for Feb. retreat.
  • bring & wear your Fiber Name Tag:  You could win $10 !!
  • bring 1 or 2 fabrics for Fat Quarter Drawing - Color is Garnet, January's birthstone, a dark red. 
  • bring lots of Show & Tell -- something you got for Christmas, maybe?