As you know, suggestions have been collected from the membership to allow the finance committee to present options to spend the surplus that has accumulated due to the cancellation of two national teachers. Please contact Bebe Tulley, Finance Committee Chair, if you wish to serve in this capacity.
This summer, we will have two special one-day community service events: a Day of Sharing at Parker House (June 20th) and a Community QOV Sew Day (July 18th). Ongoing activities, during Saturday Sew Ins, include sewing a quilt for the Family Resource Center and continuing to make quilts for children in our community. Please contact Connie Ewbank to volunteer or obtain additional details.
In addition to running our sewing machines and cutting miles of fabric, we will challenge our creative abilities with Gaye Smith's Introduction of the River City Guild Challenge. My apologies to Gaye for delaying her presentation by a month, so I would be available to share the graphics she will present to make the details of the challenge clear to all.
However, it will not be all work and no play, as Candy Bergeron will be the Chairperson for our Road Trip to Pensacola! Other events in the works previously shared with you will be updated at the meeting. Our VP of Programs, Judy Momenzadeh, has been in constant contact with our rescheduled performance artist Miss Duvet, so I am pleased I will not miss her storytelling.
And lastly, a very appreciative thank you to Cynthia McGee for presiding over the May meeting so I could attend my youngest son's graduation from the Runnels School. Brent is off to ROTC/basic training June 2nd and will return in nine weeks to register for classes, to join his older brothers at LSU.
As always, I'd love to hear your suggestions-think "River City begins with me."
See you soon,
The Bring List
- bring Vanishing Squares Lotto Blocks - Drawing is tonight. See Brenda & Beverly. If all the blocks are returned, then there would be enough blocks for two quilt tops!!
- bring items and monies for the Birthday Table Extravaganza.
- bring fabric for Fat Quarter Drawing - Grays either solids or prints (1 or 2 FQs)
- bring 2-1/2 inch strips of purple or gold fabric for the Community Sew-In - Connie
- bring all that Show & Tell; Your latest creations
- bring & wear your Fiber Name Tag: You could win $20 !! BeBe hands you your prize.
- bring your finished pillowcases for Parker House - remember the visit date is June 20th
- bring $3 to purchase the "Handy Pressing Tool" that will be for sale at the birthday table. We will demonstrate how they are used. There are 32 to sell, but we can make more for July if we need them!