**Please renew your memberships by February 28, we can completed a membership list.
SEW, dear ones, be inspired, as I am by your creativity and drive,
Thursday, February 2nd @ 6:30 p.m St. Paul's Lutheran Church
(on the corner of Tara Blvd./Old Hammond Hwy)
☆ Tonight - -Mary Felder and Barbara Lankford
discuss the new CFAL exhibit at the Old State Capitol
Elena provides the first instructions for the new **Selfie Round Robin
☆ the Bring list--
- bring membership forms and $20, bring a friend. ++Membership renewals run until Feb. 28th
- bring retreat monies - Pay in Full. See info in newsletter Joni says - "4 spaces left !!"
- bring Show & Tell. your latest and greatest
- bring items/monies for the Birthday Table. (New committee: Martha, Mary White, and Caroline )
- bring for Fat Quarter Drawing - "Oranges" solids or prints, (up to 4 Fat Quarters)
- bring & wear your Fiber Name Tag: You could win $10 in River City Bonus Bucks !!
☆ Our thanks to the retired Birthday Table Committee: Stella Goodbee, Elaine Gosselin, Sheila Billingsley, and Debbie Hulett. These ladies have staffed the birthday table faithfully for over 2 years and have garnered hundreds of dollars in fund-raising efforts. Thanks for your service as we welcome the new Krewe for the Birthday table - Martha Spruell, Mary White, and Caroline Derbes.
☆ Points of Discussion
** New Selfie Round Robin Challenge - details/deadline
☆ Challenge deadlines
Ugly Fabric Challenge - new deadline is April; Thelma Berg, chairman
UFO Challenge - new deadline Sept./ Oct.; Suzanne Elliott, chairman
SEW, dear ones, be inspired, as I am by your creativity and drive,
Thursday, February 2nd @ 6:30 p.m St. Paul's Lutheran Church
(on the corner of Tara Blvd./Old Hammond Hwy)
☆ Tonight - -Mary Felder and Barbara Lankford
discuss the new CFAL exhibit at the Old State Capitol
Elena provides the first instructions for the new **Selfie Round Robin
☆ the Bring list--
- bring membership forms and $20, bring a friend. ++Membership renewals run until Feb. 28th
- bring retreat monies - Pay in Full. See info in newsletter Joni says - "4 spaces left !!"
- bring Show & Tell. your latest and greatest
- bring items/monies for the Birthday Table. (New committee: Martha, Mary White, and Caroline )
- bring for Fat Quarter Drawing - "Oranges" solids or prints, (up to 4 Fat Quarters)
- bring & wear your Fiber Name Tag: You could win $10 in River City Bonus Bucks !!
☆ Our thanks to the retired Birthday Table Committee: Stella Goodbee, Elaine Gosselin, Sheila Billingsley, and Debbie Hulett. These ladies have staffed the birthday table faithfully for over 2 years and have garnered hundreds of dollars in fund-raising efforts. Thanks for your service as we welcome the new Krewe for the Birthday table - Martha Spruell, Mary White, and Caroline Derbes.
☆ Points of Discussion
** New Selfie Round Robin Challenge - details/deadline
☆ Challenge deadlines
Ugly Fabric Challenge - new deadline is April; Thelma Berg, chairman
UFO Challenge - new deadline Sept./ Oct.; Suzanne Elliott, chairman