Monday, January 30, 2017

Message from the President - February 2017

**Please renew your memberships by February 28, we can completed a membership list.

SEW, dear ones, be inspired, as I am by your creativity and drive,



Thursday,  February 2nd     @ 6:30 p.m  St. Paul's Lutheran Church  
 (on the corner of Tara Blvd./Old Hammond Hwy)

☆ Tonight -  -Mary Felder and Barbara Lankford
discuss the new CFAL exhibit at the Old State Capitol

Elena provides the first instructions for the new **Selfie Round Robin

☆  the Bring list--
- bring membership forms and $20, bring a friend.  ++Membership renewals run until Feb. 28th
            - bring retreat monies - Pay in Full.  See info in newsletter  Joni says - "4 spaces left !!"
- bring Show & Tell.  your latest and greatest
            - bring items/monies for the Birthday Table.  (New committee: Martha, Mary White, and Caroline  )
- bring  for Fat Quarter Drawing -  "Oranges" solids or prints,  (up to 4 Fat Quarters)
            - bring & wear your Fiber Name Tag:  You could win $10 in River City Bonus Bucks !!

☆  Our thanks to the retired Birthday Table Committee: Stella Goodbee, Elaine Gosselin, Sheila Billingsley, and Debbie Hulett.  These ladies have staffed the birthday table faithfully for over 2 years and have garnered hundreds of dollars in fund-raising efforts.  Thanks for your service as we welcome the new Krewe for the Birthday table - Martha Spruell, Mary White, and Caroline Derbes.

☆  Points of Discussion
** New Selfie Round Robin Challenge - details/deadline

☆  Challenge deadlines
            Ugly Fabric Challenge - new deadline is April;  Thelma Berg, chairman
            UFO Challenge - new deadline Sept./ Oct.;  Suzanne Elliott, chairman

Friday, January 27, 2017

3 Quilt Weekends

On Sunday  - Presentation of awards, ribbons, and Quilts of Valor at 2 PM.
          (**the show closes before the Super Bowl LI starts at 5:30 p.m.)

What's there:
Over 600 quilts on display - Many quilts were kindly donated from throughout the USA.
Shop Vendors,
Scissor sharpening, door prizes, technique demonstrations, a raffle quilt, and hands-on participation in community service activities for children and adults. 

Group Participation Activities:
- Kids Draw 4 Kids,  - Block By Block Sit & Sew for Quilts of Valor,  - Stuff-a-Bear,
           - Grace Camp pillowcases,  - Reading is Quilta-mental, and  - Sewing Rocks demo.

For more pertinent information, go to  

- February 11th   2nd Saturday Sew Day

- 2nd Saturday Sew Day  -  is Growing in Size and Strength
 - at St. Paul's Church, 9:30-3 pm.  
- 3 local guilds meet to share the sew day: Remember Me Guild, River City Guild, and The Modern Quilt Guild congregate to share the work space.

          Lori Steib, vice president of Remember Me and president of Modern Quilt, has an ambitious plan to promote interest and to expand the activities of our local quilt community. By providing a sewing opportunity that integrates differing quilt tastes and interests into group events.  She hopes to make sew days a fellowship that will be a fulfilling quilting experience and better attended by combining memberships.  There will be more quilters with better interaction with ideas and advice. Renew old friendships and make some new ones.

Friday, January 13, 2017


Ok, your reminders for Saturday, Jan. 14th,

First - *The Giving Quilt Show Entries and **entry form are due on Saturday. 
        Delivered to Daisy's Cottage Creations, Margaret Chair at Quilt Corner, or you can drop off quilts at the Sew- In at St. Paul's .

*       After this date, you may still donate a quilt to TGQ at any time, even on show day, however it cannot be hung for the show.  There are too many logistics to overcome to make that possible.

**      The entry form is available on the website     under "Donations/ Quilt Recipients"
Please fill out the form and identify the recipient organization to receive your donation.

any questions, contact Sherry Herringshaw at

Second - Saturday Sew-In, from 9am – 3pm  - Ya-ll Come !!  AND  Bring a friend !

St. Paul Lutheran Church, 2021 Tara Blvd  (Lori Steib holds the key)  any questions

        This year kicks off a new era of Sew-In Days thanks to a collaborative agreement between River City, Remember Me, and the Baton Rouge Modern Quilt Guild. 
Each guild will take a turn hosting Saturday Sew-In Days throughout the year.  The room reservation fee is generously being sponsored by River City. 

        First to host is Remember Me and we’re going to start with a casual, laid-back kind of feel.  We hope you can use this day as a time to regroup and recover or to gear up for exciting projects you have planned for the new year !

        Bring your sewing machines, any supplies you will need, and projects that you wish to work on.  
Opportunities abound:
- does a quilt need to be basted ? (raised tables and assistance)
- does fabric need to be cut
- do blocks need to be sewn together
- anything that requires space and help??

        Ironing boards and irons will be set up as well as cutting mats, risers for the tables so that they will be at a comfortable height with little bending.
        Bring drinks, a brown bag lunch, or eat take-out.

It is an opportunity to mix and mingle with quilters from the different guilds, renew friendships and forge new ones, get a little work done, learn something new or answer that burning question of a stubborn sewing issue, come out on Saturday.

        Invite a friends.  All are welcome. 

Monday, January 9, 2017

Some Announcements

Jan 28 River City hosts the first quarterly GSQA meeting of 2017  

            Goodwood Branch of the East Baton Rouge Parish Library (Main Branch)
            A 'classroom' setting in the large meeting room. Enter from Goodwood Blvd.

Volunteers Be there:
            - At 8:30 a.m., bring a breakfast item, snack, or dessert: cookies, cakes, doughnuts, etc.
            - Contact Elizabeth Niemi (c) 225-205-4932  (e)
            (Elizabeth is taking the head count of volunteers; please commit early.)

            - Contact Daisy Comeaux for Task Assignment   (c) 939-8200 (e)  
            (Tasks - Sign-in table, dessert table, door prize distribution, show/tell, general flunky, etc)

Meeting starts:
            At 10 a.m. until 3 p.m.; expecting 150+ participants.
            Dine-In Lunch available for $7, payable at the door.

What happens:
            - Renee Hoeprich becomes president for 2017.   Roberta Wilson is president-elect.
            - The guild is responsible for service of water, coffee, desserts, etc.
            - Sign up or renew GSQA membership.
             - Monetary donations are collected for the Baton Rouge Food Bank
            - Cottage Creations and Quilts will provide the door prizes.
            - Look at GSQA teachers and samples.

Guild Contacts:
            Elizabeth Niemi  (c) 225-205-4932  (e)
            Daisy Comeaux  (c) 939-8200 (e)

GSQA liaisons:
            Karen Perron   (h)  243-7049  (e)
            Tommie Morden   (c) 939 6096  (e)

(Quilt Judge)  CONNIE SILBER
            Connie qualifies the major points that judges look for in award-winning quilts using specifics and noting examples from her personal collection of quilts.  She shares both the positive and negative comments and explains common judging criteria.
            An avid quilter since 1989, her interest in judging culminated in her certification as an NQA Judge in 2008.   She is qualified to evaluate Masterpiece Quilts. She is a member of the National Association of Certified Judges (NACQJ).
            Sharpen your skills in anticipation of the GSQA Show next year on April 13-14, 2018.

  Sew Days  - 2nd Saturday Sew Day is Growing in Size and Strength

            Second Saturday Sew Day- at St. Paul's, 9:30-3  (January 14th)

            Here is something new and different -

            River City Guild is joining the memberships of Remember Me Guild and The Modern Quilt Guild to share the church space for Second Saturday Sew Day.
            Lori Steib, this year's president of Modern Quilt and vice president of Remember Me has hatched an ambitious plan to promote interest and to expand the activities of our local quilt community.  By providing a sewing opportunity that integrates differing quilt tastes and interests in group events, she hopes to make sew days a  fellowship that is a fulfilling quilting experience and better attended by combining memberships.  There will be more quilters with greater interaction with ideas and advice.  Renew old friendships and make some new ones.

            Bring a friend or relative.  Bring someone who has flirted with the idea of quilt guild, but doesn't know very much about it.  Bring whatever project you wish or just come to meet and greet.  Come sew with new and exciting quilters and some "vintage" models as well !!  See what others are working presently.  Get an education in current ideas, projects, and challenges undertaken by other guilds.  New ideas abound!!  The more the merrier!!

            Lori holds the door key this year.  If you have any questions, please contact her at    (h)  252-5030  or (e)

            *Our very special thanks to Jackie Wood for encouraging others to sew on Sew Day.  Her obligations demand that she focus on house and home this year.  Thank you, Jackie.

As Ususal....

Second & Fourth Tuesdays (Wasted Women)  -  meet at Highland Presbyterian Church,  10024 Highland Rd., near Bluebonnet, in the Office Bldg. from 9 til 3p.m.  Contact Sherry Herringshaw (h) 769-9093  (c) 772-4744  (e)

Friday, January 6, 2017

December 2016 Meeting Minutes

You will receive several email announcements over the next week.
There was an enormous amount of info on a variety of subjects discussed at the January meeting.
The info will be sent to you in short intervals as to present clear details on these topics.
The Guild Theme for 2017 is "Sharing - of Time, Talent, and Treasures"
As we set aside the unhappiness and tribulations of last year, let us embrace our sisterhood of quilting and
come together to advance its cause as best we can.
So I shall begin the data stream on Monday.
Stay safe, warm and well,
p.s. - the Second Saturday Sew Day is scheduled for Sat., January 14th and it has some surprises, too.
December meeting Minutes:
River City Quilt Guild Meeting Minutes   December 1, 2016

Forty-four members and four guests attended our meeting in December. 
Joni DeVilbiss  made a motion to suspend the business meeting in lieu of our annual Christmas celebration.  Alice Fredlund seconded the motion and the motion passed in a unanimous vote.
There were so many delicious foods to choose from that were brought pot-luck style from the members.
There were 9 lotto block Christmas tree designed quilt tops awarded. 
We played the trader dice game to exchange 5 inch squares of fabric.

A fun time was had by all!