Friday, March 10, 2017

March 2017 Meeting Minutes

  1. Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm and welcome given by Elena Acosta, Vice- President. Daisy Comeaux, President attended meeting but she had laryngitis.
  2. Per Ms. Tommie Morden there were no quests at the meeting. 48 Members in attendance.
  3. Ms. Tommie Morden presented birthday fat quarters to March birthdays. Happy Birthday Sung, led by Joni DeVilbiss.
  4. Program: What is a GSQA Circuit Teacher?a. Panel of teachers were Sherry Herringshaw of Lagniappe Quilt Designs, Connie Ewbanks of Butterfly Stitches, and Judy Holley of Judy Holley They showed us quilts that demonstrated the classes they teach. To have a GSQA sponsored class there needs to a minimum of 15 students. Cost is $20 for GSQA members and $40 for non-members.c. They are available for teaching other groups but the minimum amount paid varies with teacher.
  5. Break was taken for Birthday Table opportunities, refreshments and Alice Fredlund selling lotto blocks, challenge 1,  which are due next meeting and can be mailed to Alice or Daisy Comeaux if can't attend April meeting.
  6. After Break, Jackie Wood showed an award the Giving Quilt received in July, 2016 from United Way, Chapter 9 and Capitol One Bank.
  7. Elena Acosta gave the next border in the Selfie Round Robin Quilt. This month is Paper Piecing.
  8. Treasurer Cindy Jones gave report for February, 2017. We have 71 paying members at this point. Jo Doherty made motion to accept report and was seconded by Joni DeVilbiss. It passed by membership.
  9. Bebe Tulley summarized February 2017 RCQG meeting minutes. Motion to accept by Alice Fredlund, seconded by Joni DeVilbiss, and passed by members. Bebe reminded everyone to get dues in so she can print a current membership list for next meeting.
  10. Other Committee Reports given:
    a. Retreat-Joni DeVilbiss gave report on retreat held February 20-22 in Richard, La at Acadiana Baptist Retreat Center. Attendees talked about their experiences, and was enjoyed by all. Thanks given to Joni and others who helped with food-Jackie, Margie, and Joyce with coffee.
    b. Fat Quarter winner was Sherry Herringshaw.
    c. Fiber Name tag winner was Elizabeth Niemi.
  11. Show and Tell was next
  12. Old Business:
    a. GSQA Seminar tickets still available. Shopping will be available. It is March 15-18 at the Hilton at Kenner Airport. You can register day of class. Classes will be 8-4:30. Night programs will be at 6:30. 
    b. Bridge over Troubled Water is April 1 at Highland Presbyterian Church. Volunteers needed March 30-31. 130 people will be receiving fabric and 80 sewing machines have been given as of this date.
    c. Ugly Fabric Quarter quilts will be due for April meeting.
  13. New Business:
    a. Second Saturday Sew Day is March 11.
    b. Giving Quilt is sponsoring a sew day April 29 at 9:30 am at St. John's Methodist Church to sew kits for UpSIDE-DOWNS, org. Quilts for children with Downs Syndrome and they will be blue/yellow quilts.
    c. Quilts of Valor presented Wednesday March 1 in Hammond. One for a navy and one army vet.
    d. Adjourned at 8:25 pm.
Submitted by Bebe Tulley, Secretary