It's Fall and the temperature this weekend will drop below 70 degrees for a brief time period.
We will have a guest speaker, Kelli Thompson, with a truck show and who will lecture about the "Zentangles" method of free-style quilting. It is very liberating in the method of marking quilt tops for machine quilting. She will teach a class on the following Saturday, Sept. 9th.
And the Winner of the 2017 "Selfie" Round Robin Challenge is....(drum roll please).... Elena Acosta !! Not to deflate her win and her lovely wall hanging, however Elena's entry was the only one presented. Low participation rate sometimes occurs when a similar challenge runs two years in a row. It happens. So next year's officers need to put together a new challenge with mass appeal. Any suggestions?
Thanks to Peggy Bourgeois and Sharon Holder for their informative and amusing demonstration on First Aid For Quilters last month. They are among our guild's many health care professionals, both retired and actively working, who can advise us to be very aware of our "quilter" health.
The 2017 Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler Shop Hop was a success. Bring your best finds for Show & Tell. Do you have any suggestions on how to improve the Shop Hop experience??
This time, we dodged the bullet with Harvey. Its presence in the Gulf caused anxiety among all of us. The effects of the August Rains of 2016 are still too fresh in our psyches. However, not to be deterred, some of you are restarting humanitarian aid for flood victims in Texas and Southwest Louisiana. Loretta Webre has begun a pillow/pillowcase campaign and is collecting monies for pillows and postage. We will hear about many more.
The Houston International Quilt Show is still "a go." Emails were sent out from the main office of Quilts, Inc. that the quilts were safe and the show would go on as scheduled. Classes begin Oct. 30th and Preview Night is Nov. 1st. Remember LA Quilters surprised IQS when we showed up in record numbers after Katrina in 2005.
Remember to turn in your Christmas Lotto Blocks and your (Lucky Stars) Lotto Blocks. We draw a Lucky Star winner at this Sept. meeting. Christmas lotto quilts are won at the Christmas Party.
Just a reminder.... We will appoint a nominating committee to select the next slate of guild officers. Volunteer as an officer or chairperson to lead the guild in 2018. It is exciting and very rewarding to facilitate the quilting experience that we all share. Bring some ideas to the table.
SEW, dear ones, be inspired, as I am by your creativity and drive,
the Bring list
- bring items/donations for the Fall Arts Festival in October - for the guild table. (see Daisy)
- bring Show & Tell. And your Shop Hop treasures.
- bring items/monies for the Birthday Table, etc.
- bring FQ's for Fat Quarter Drawing - "Purples " (max. of 4 Fat Quarters) solids or prints.
- bring $$ for Christmas Lotto Blocks - see Jo Doherty and Joni DeVilbiss
- bring your sewn blocks for multiple chances - see Jo Doherty and Joni DeVilbiss
- bring your Lucky Stars lotto blocks to get in the drawing - see Alice Fredlund and Mary Daigle
- wear your Fiber Name Tag: You could win $10 in River City Bonus Bucks !!