Tuesday, November 7, 2017

President's Message-November 2017

Welcome Ladies,
At the meeting this Thursday, Nov. 9th - We will have a Quilts of Valor presentation - in observation of Veterans' Day. Please plan to attend.  Always a touching moment.

Our thanks to Kelli Thompson for a grand presentation on Zentangles free-motion quilting. And the Saturday class was most enjoyable.

Turn in  your (Lucky Stars) Lotto Blocks to Alice. The Christmas lotto quilts are to be won at the Christmas Party.

The 2018 slate of guild officers  are nominated., Elena Acosta (president), Judy Holley (vice president), Karen Perron (secretary), and Suzanne Elliott (treasurer).  I will act as past president and attend board meetings.

Show & Tell us all about:  (1) The Houston International Quilt Show. and  (2)  Show your QOV quilts in any stage of composition; pieced, quilt top, or finished, and (3) any other projects you can share.

Once again, I want to say I have enjoyed my tenure as guild president and I am ready to step down and maybe go on retreat and make a quilt. When I first considered retirement from the US Post Office and opening my shop full-time, I thought, "Sure - I'll have plenty of time to quilt."  Well, experience has proved to be a bit of a different outcome than what I thought.  However, being a part of the generous Baton Rouge quilt community has brought many blessings to me, more than I every imagined.  You all have my love and my thanks for your support throughout the years.
We will have more of Debbie Ingram's stash to purchase.

The refreshments this month will be provided by Elena Acosta, Louise Porter, and Ellen Couvillion.

SEW, dear ones, be inspired, as I am by your creativity and drive,