Monday, January 1, 2018

President's Message-January 2018

Welcome Ladies,

Be of good cheer. The last meeting of the year will be our Pot Luck Welcome Ladies,

Happy 2018 everybody! I hope all of you had a very merry Christmas, with family and friends, and are now ready to tackle the new year with renewed purpose and lots of energy. Let's make this year, the year to get things done, and when it comes to quilting, let's get those quilts finished!

If you are anything like me, you probably have lots of unfinished projects and, in my case, lot of unquilted tops. I love piecing, but when it comes to the quilting, I get stumped. After putting all that time, money, and effort into the top, I am terrified of ruining it with the quilting. The thing is, I can manage a fairly good stippling, or an overall design, but some quilts require a bit more, and there is where I freeze up. The other problem I have is time. I might figure out how I want to quilt my top, but then I have to actually do it. I don't have time so I say to myself my resolution for 2018 is to find a way to pass these hurdles, and get my quilts finished. I hope you will come on this journey with me, and in the process, become a better, more productive quilter.

To accomplish these goals, our vice-president, Judy Holley, is working on developing programs that will cover quilting tasks from basting to label making and everything in between, and she will put extra emphasis on quilting. From designing the quilting, to quilting on a home machine, to long arm etiquette, we will try to touch on as many topics as we can. Please let Judy, or any other officer, know if you have any requests for programs, or if you have any techniques or ideas you would like to share with your fellow quilters.  We would like to hear from you.

I would like to thank you all for trusting me with directing our guild in 2018.  I will also like to thank Judy, Suzanne, and Karen for assisting me in this endeavor. We will try to do our best to make this an exciting and entertaining year for you. But to accomplish this, we also need your help. There are many opportunities to help the guild, by signing up for a committee, providing refreshments, sharing knowledge, or sharing your work, to just name a few.

Due to the weather, we will start the January meeting at 6pm and try to keep it short and to the point, so everybody can go home early. Suzanne and Cindy will be collecting dues. We need to finalize the details for January's GSQA meeting. Sherry Herringshaw will have sign up lists and information. There are several committee openings to be filled. Judy will present the Traditions Quilt and talk about the process that brought it about. If you have show and tell, please save for the February meeting.

See you all at the meeting. Let's get it done!   
