Thursday, August 5, 2010

President's Message August 2010

Hi Everybody,

Wasn't our July meeting wonderful? River City members are not only talented quilters but they are good cooks as well! Thanks to everyone who brought the delicious treats to share at our Christmas in July meeting!

Did you know that 7 people joined RCQG that night? I think that might be a new one-month record. And a very special thank you to Daisy Comeaux for teaching us how to make the fat quarter rose stems and bouquets; they are for sale at the MYFest. Thanks to Carol Hilton for demonstrating how to make those great folded fabric Christmas ornaments. With just a few scraps, applique pins, and Styrofoam she made some lovely heirloom gifts.

Our August meeting is going to be just as exciting. Kathy Brown will be superb. She spoke to the guild previously about her work and quilt interests. She is such a busy and productive quilter. We are so fortunate to have her right here in Baton Rouge. She is the creative force behind Teacher's Pet Quilt Block Patterns. She has developed over 125 patterns, created 12 fabric lines, and written seven books. She will speak on her newest book release. She is a featured contributor to quilting books and magazines including The Quilter, Create and Decorate, and Quick and Easy Quilting.

Please remember to contribute to the birthday raffle table----all the proceeds will go towards the purchase of jambalaya ingredients for the Michael Young Fest. Bring your donations and bring your money $$$. It is going to be a fun-filled evening.

Bring your favorite "Easy" quilt(s) to hang on the walls, and tell us all about it at Show & tell. If you still have the pattern or resource info, please share that with the group. See you then.


Michael Young Fest

Wow! It is almost time for MYFest! The raffle tickets for the purple and gold tiger quilt are selling like hot cakes! Melanie designed it and Carol Hilton donated the long-arm quilting. Other donated items continue to arrive. There is some great stuff to bid on! The Saints quilt is quilted with a "Who Dat" design and ready for the auction. Donna Britt will be our celebrity guest at the live auction. People are planning trips to Baton Rouge just to be sure they will be here for the MYF. Don't be left out! Be there on the 21st! We need volunteers! Please contact me if you can help in any way! Thanks! Mary

atta' Girl, to Judy Holley, who got some of the quilts hung at Barnes & Noble Cafe' - great publicity!