Saturday, December 21, 2013

President's Message - January 2014

The New Year and our first meeting of 2014 are right around the corner!  In my household, we look forward to returning to our happy routines, although we will miss playing dominoes and watching football. I hope you, too, have opportunities to build special memories with your loved ones.

The information I shared at the board and committees meeting included our financial status and future plans for activities this year; a copy of the budget was sent to you on December 16th.   Please contact me directly with any comments or questions.  

I do appreciate the commitment and generosity of our members who have offered to fill committee positions.  With their help, we will have a calendar of activities and monthly meetings that will be of interest to everyone.  Please take a moment to think about in what capacity you'd like to participate whether it be at the committee or one event level.

Our program for January will be Organizing Your Sewing Space. Thanks to everyone who submitted photos; to Ellen Baldridge, who provided the idea; and to Sherry Herringshaw, for the loan of her projection equipment.   Organization will also be the theme for the evening's agenda, as the year's calendar (a work in progress) is shared with you.  The timing of some events will be changed, as three national speakers will present lectures and workshops in April, July, and October.
One change that will occur during the monthly meetings will be the order of activities.  I want to build on the connections Barbara made within the guild in 2013.   By moving Show and Tell to an earlier spot in the evening will provide us more time to share our quilts with each other. The Show and Tell committee will "show" your quilt so you can focus on the "tell" part.   Committee members will then display your piece on tables or the design wall so we can look at them more closely during the break.

The work of the Friendship Groups/New Member Activities committee will start right at the door with Tommie greeting guests and new members.  Charlene Wilson will keep track of existing "bees"and new groups with varied interests looking to organize. The new opportunities can be tracked by location and meeting times.  Do you want to form groups like the Bonnie Hunter Fan Club? Featherweight Aficionados? or Judy Niemeyer Support Group?. What's your pleasure?

So please come join us for an evening filled with quilts and fellowship.       


The Bring List

  • bring your membership application and check for $20 to Elena.  Fill in comments for Joni.
  • bring items and monies for the Birthday Table.
  • bring your payment balance for Feb. retreat.
  • bring & wear your Fiber Name Tag:  You could win $10 !!
  • bring 1 or 2 fabrics for Fat Quarter Drawing - Color is Garnet, January's birthstone, a dark red. 
  • bring lots of Show & Tell -- something you got for Christmas, maybe? 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

President's Message - December 2013

Holiday Greetings!!

Another year has come and gone by with lots of happy memories!  The November meeting brought the lovely Mystery Quilts as well as quilts from Michael Young's Diamonds Are Forever class.  Both were awesome and inspiring!

At the December meeting we will enjoy a communal meal and exchange handmade gifts from our guild members.  Please, make your gift special and something you would like to receive.  Jo Paula and Beth will be our "Secret Santas." Remember also to help those in need by bringing non-perishable food items.

This year has been a great year for me!  Thanks to all guild members for giving the opportunity to be your president in 2013.  I look forward to a great 2014 with Renee Hoeprich presiding.  Please continue your support of our guild by volunteering for various activities scheduled for next year.

Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season,


The Bring list

  • Bring your contribution to tonight's meal - Don't forget serving utensils
  • Bring a handmade gift (of good quality) to exchange (voluntary) (something that you would like to receive)
  • Bring- a non-perishable food donation for the food pantry of St. John's United Methodist.  Joyce Perry will handle the delivery to the Church.  These donations go to the most needy in our community.
  • Bring & wear your Fiber Name Tag:  Sign in.  You could win a special prize from the grab bag.
  • Bring your best Christmas theme attire: sweaters, brooches, hair ornaments, etc.
  • Bring your good cheer and glad tidings of the season
  • NO Show & Tell this meeting
  • The first t-shirt order may be forthcoming - see Elaine Gosselin

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

President's Message - November 2013

Hello, Quilt Guild Members!

We are truly blessed to have so many talented quilt makers and designers among our membership. They have created quilting patterns and fabric lines that peak the interest of wholesalers. Some of them are at Houston Market right now to hawk their wares to shops all over the USA.

With Houston's close proximity to BR, most of us who wish to can attend this magnificent learning opportunity.  There is a multitude of quilts to see of every type: traditional, contemporary, and new age.   I did not forget the retail opportunities, either, the amount of merchandise makes you dizzy.

We are all connected by our friendships and associations.  We see our friends from GSQA, sister guilds, teachers, quilt royalty, and some special friends we only see at the show.  We renew old acquaintances and strike up new ones. 

We are lucky to have the meeting date, Nov. 7th, fall after the Houston Show.  We will have plenty to discuss at the meeting: the Mystery Quilt Exhibit with prizes, the Christmas party plans for Dec. 5th, and Guild T-Shirt orders.  I want to see all your Houston BLING.....

Looking forward to seeing your Houston Finds!  Ready for Christmas??        


The Bring list

  • Last Call - return  Christmas Lotto Blocks- (Stars or Ho-Ho blocks)  to Tommie & Karen Perron
  • bring Fat Quarters for a F.Q. Lotto drawing:  Christmas Reds & Greens  - see Jackie Wood
  • bring & wear your Fiber Name Tag:  Sign in.  You could win a special prize from the grab bag.
  • bring your Diamond Quilts from Michael Young's Quilt Class for Show & Tell. 
  • bring  Houston Show & Tell - Did you see any teacher prospects?? GSQA meeting?
  • bring  $$ for T-shirt orders.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

President's Message - October 2013

Dear Guild Members,

What great teamwork last month!!!! Everyone appeared to be having fun, and so much was accomplished – thanks to all!

Our main event this month will be our Annual Auction.  Please drop off your baskets, etc. between 2 and 4 PM.  The set up team will be there to receive them.  Members may come early for the meeting in order to have time to look at everything.
NEEDED:  Live Auctioneer!!!  If you would like to do this or share the limelight with someone else, please email me.

The nominations committee will present their recommendations for 2014 Officers.  And there will be a display of t-shirts and instructions for ordering/paying.  The order will be sent in later in the month. So bring your checkbook!
Going to Houston??  I am so looking forward to the show! And also getting inspiration for my own quilting projects.

See you at the meeting, and remember, keep quilting.

Barbara Lankford
President, River City Quilt Guild

The Bring List
  • bring/return  Christmas Lotto Blocks- (Stars and Ho-Ho blocks)  Tommie & Karen Perron
  • bring your $25 to sign up for Michael Young's Big Diamond Quilt Class.  Details in the Calendar
  • bring checks, cash, dough, moulah, bills, bread, fivers, greenbacks, loot, simoleans, smackers, in other words bring lots of money to spend.
  • Thursday, September 5, 2013

    President's Message - September 2013

    Hello, Quilt Guild Members!!

    September is almost here and where have the days gone?!  The kids are back in school, which makes me think about quilting school:  HOUSTON!!! I hope that many of you will be attending as the quilt exhibits sound fabulous and so do the classes!!  I plan on taking three half-day classes…. a little bit of this and a little bit of that.  Hope to see you there!

    Our September meeting will be outstanding! There will be a class update and an opportunity to choose classes.  PLEASE read your newsletter as there are several items related to quilt classes that YOU need to know about.  By reading the newsletter before the meeting you will be “in the know”.  The guild will be approving guidelines for the pricing of quilt classes that will benefit all members and your input is needed.

    We will all have a fun time making auction baskets/containers of all kinds! Please bring your fabric marked with yardage, containers, notions, books and magazines.  If you have enough at home to make up a basket before the meeting, please do so, and bring it September 5th.  This will be such a fun activity!

    Looking forward to seeing all of you and ….. keep quilting! 

    Barbara Lankford, President

    The Bring List

    - bring  you guessed it BRING YOUR OWN FABRIC (please mark length and attach with safety pin), notions, books and magazines, and baskets and containers for the auction.  
    - bring/return  Christmas Lotto Blocks- (Stars and Ho-Ho blocks)  Tommie & Karen Perron
    - bring & wear your Fiber Name Tag:  Sign in.  You could win a special prize from the grab bag.
    - bring fat quarters for the baskets NOT for Fat Quarter Lotto
    - bring your $25 to sign up for Michael Young's Big Diamond Quilt Class.  Details in the Calendar.
    - bring your stuffed bears for Oklahoma people.

    Thursday, August 1, 2013

    Photos from August 2013 meeting

    See the photos here

    President's Message - August 2013

    Hello, Quilt Guild Members!

    July was a very busy and productive month. You will hear the results at the August meeting, so be sure and read your newsletter so you won’t be left in the dark!

    There is so much going on in the local quilt world this month -- please share your experiences at the August meeting. I also hope to hear from the folks who attended the GSQA meeting in Picayune, MS. We are all looking forward to the Shop Hop on the 2nd and 3rd weekends in August.  It will soon be time to "hit the road!"  Don't forget the Sassi- Strippers Quilt Exhibit at Jones Creek Library until August 31st.  Their membership puts on quite an annual show with a Community Service Day on August 17th. We have a guild retreat planned for the end of the month thru Labor Day at The Felicianas.

    For many of us, July was an opportunity for vacation and relaxation. I have heard about trips in all parts of the United States, as well as out of the country. My husband and I spent a week on the Alabama-Florida gulf coast. While he went deep sea fishing with his nephews, I pieced a quilt top......and it was one of my UFO’s!!  I had some good beach time, sitting amid hundreds of colorful umbrellas and chairs. As I looked around, I thought about a quilt with a line of multicolored fabrics going across the quilt with a sandy beach below and blue-white surf above.  It was a very pleasant day-dream!!

    Many, many thanks to guild members for a great July 11th meeting, and to those who had come forward and expressed their interest in extraordinary guild activities such as the auction.

    We have an interesting slate of classes coming up so check your email frequently and register early as classes are announced and fill up.

    Looking forward to seeing you at the August meeting!  Keep quilting,        


    The Bring List

    • bring your Carrie Nation Lotto Block for the drawing; 2 sets to draw.  See Ellen Baldridge.
    • bring/return  Christmas Lotto Blocks - (Stars and Ho-Ho blocks)  Tommie & Karen Perron
    • bring Fat Quarters for a F.Q. Lotto drawing: Batik Leaves  - see Jackie Wood
    • bring & wear your Fiber Name Tag:  Sign in.  You could win a special prize from the grab bag.
    • bring payment balance for the River City Retreat (8/30-9/2).  Details in newsletter. See Cynthia
    • bring your $25 to sign up for Michael Young's Big Diamond Quilt Class.  First Paid, First in the Class.  Details in the Calendar.
    • bring empty baskets and containers for the auction.  See Lilly Willis.
    • bring  Show & Tell - UFO show & tell #2, show us your progress. Tell us about Sisters, Oregon....... 

    Wednesday, July 31, 2013

    HO HO Christmas Lotto Kit Instructions

    Enclosed in this kit, you will find a 34" X 3-1/2" strip of cream fabric.  

    From this cream fabric strip, cut four 3-1/2" squares and cut two 9-1/2" X 3-1/2" strips.

    From a high contrast dark Christmas fabric (from your stash), cut two 3-1/2" squares, and two 9-1/2" X 3-1/2" strips.

    To form the letter "H", sew a cream 3-1/2" square to two opposite sides of the dark 3-1/2" square, press towards the dark square.  Sew the long side of a dark 9-1/2" X 3-1/2" strip to each side of the 3-1/2" combo strip to form the letter "H", press towards the dark strips.

    To form the letter "O", sew a cream 3-1/2" square to two opposite sides of the dark 3-1/2" square, press towards the dark square.  Sew the long side of a cream 9-1/2" X 3-1/2" strip to each side of the 3-1/2" combo strip to form the letter "O", press towards the combo strips.

    Star Christmas Lotto Kit Instructions

    Enclosed in this kit you will find a piece of cream fabric which should be used as the background for an appliqued star or stars, or used to piece a star.  The block must measure 9-1/2" X 9-1/2" when finished,  and must include the cream fabric provided in this kit.  Please use Christmas fabric for your star.

    Do not trim your star block.  We will be trimming the blocks down to a target size, so please leave the trimming to us.

    Also submit a piece of your Christmas fabric 11-1/2" X 11-1/2" square.  

    Monday, July 8, 2013

    President's Message - July 2013

    Hello, Quilt Guild Members!!

    I missed seeing all of you at the June meeting, but I have a good excuse: I was on vacation in Europe with my husband, David! We had a great time and it is always so wonderful to see historic places and new sites.

    While we were in London, we visited the Albert and Victoria Museum. I really wanted to see the textile exhibit as I have heard such good things from friends who were lucky enough to view it. Upon entering the museum, I was informed that it had been taken down (!!!) and the quilts and other textiles had been placed around the museum in collections that were in some way connected with each piece by time period. Boy, was I disappointed!  However, on the bright side, while waiting for the plane, I had downloaded an app for the same textile exhibit!!!! All was not lost......

    July is here and our nation’s birthday/holiday is celebrated this month. It seems fitting to thank all the quilters who have made quilts and other items for our nation’s military and their families. God Bless American Quilters!!

    My many thanks also to Barbara Hoffman for taking the responsibility for organizing and
    entering our quilts in the national AQS challenge   it was fantastic that some guild members had the opportunity to submit their quilts for a national show. It will be around again in two years, so maybe we plan do it again.

    Thanks again to Noreen Mazarroppi for handling the June meeting for me. I really appreciated it.

    I will see you on the 11th and look forward to catching up on all the news!

    It is going to be a hot summer this year, so stay in your quilt studios and sew!

    Keep quilting,        

    The Bring List

    • Quilts and Quilt tops for Oklahoma tornado survivors 
    • $ for new Lotto Block kits, Carrie Nation block in fall colors. Due in August  
    • Fat Quarters for a F.Q. Lotto drawing: Red/White/Blue/Stars/Stripes   
    • Wear your Fiber Name Tag
    • Show & Tell 
    • Deposit for the River City Retreat (8/30-9/2)
    • Items for the Birthday Table

    Sunday, June 2, 2013

    President's Message - June 2013

    Hello, Quilt Guild Members!!

    This last month brought us Mother’s Day, a day to honor and remember our ‘Moms”.  Was your mother or grandmother a quilter? My grandmother was and I am blessed to have two of her quilts. I am carrying this tradition on with my grandchildren   three quilts in the planning stage!

    Thanks to Ellen Baldridge and her team for the first set of lotto blocks. You will have an opportunity to get the second set this month. Thanks to Sherry Herringshaw and Cindy Jones for doing the fabric swap. I can’t wait to see what luscious colors are in my bag.

    I visited with Wasted Women on Tuesday. They are making and collecting quilts for Oklahoma tornado victims. I tried a new pattern that I had been wanting to do, and it was fun! Sherry Herringshaw is organizing this activity and I encourage you to help with this project. She will have quilt kits to distribute at the June meeting. Her deadline for collecting quilts is mid July. These people need our help now!

    Many thanks to those guild members who have volunteered their time and expertise in organizing guild activities. More help is needed with two major events that we ALL enjoy: the Auction in October and Christmas Party in December.  It takes a little help from everyone in the Guild to keep these events going.  Think about co sharing some aspect of these events with a friend or two. It’s FUN!!

    While quilting this past month, I realized that happiness is a sharp rotary cutter and hot
    iron  ahhh, simple pleasures!

    Wishing you a great time at the June meeting, and remember, keep quilting!


    Monday, April 29, 2013

    President's Message - May 2013

    May is here already! The spring flowers are in full bloom and so vibrant   it energizes me to work with vibrant fabrics, which is SO much fun. I am using the Tri Recs templates to make a tree quilt. 
    It was a challenge to find the correct way to sew the blocks together (to get the top center to line up correctly) but I have mastered that   20 blocks done and 30 more to go!

    We will have another very busy, interesting meeting. The string lotto blocks will be split between 2 lucky winners. I was looking through my American Quilter magazine and came across a ‘Liberated String Medallion’ quilt. It is very interesting and would look great in a variety of colors, either scrappy or various tones in one or two color ways.  It is on page 48 in the March issue of American Quilters' magazine.

    Those of us who are participating in the Fabric Swap will bring our fabric strips (in bags) to the May meeting. I am thinking of making a Lasagna quilt or table runner and place mats. Oh, so many projects, so little time!

    The Christmas Lotto Blocks and featured fabrics shall be revealed, and help will be needed to assemble the kits  time and place TBA.  Remember that you will get an extra chance for the Christmas lotto drawing for every four hours that you help the Christmas committee whether kit preparation or quilt top construction.

    Lastly, I am so appreciative of our guild's participation in the Giving Quilt Exhibit.  Thanks for all the volunteering and participation in the community service activities.  It was quite a day!  River City was well represented.  Each activity, Draw for Kids and Stuff  A Bear, drew crowds of admirers. Your participation in this biennial event strengthens our quilt community and puts a positive emphasis on quilting as both craft and art form.

    I hope each of you have a wonderful month. Looking forward to seeing all of you at St Margaret's!     

    Keep quilting! 

    Monday, April 1, 2013

    President's Message - April 2013

    Dear Guild Members,

    I hope you all had a Happy Easter holiday with family and friends.
    And once again, congratulations to the winners of The Giving Quilt Fabric Challenge.  You all did a wonderful job. The quilts showed great expression, imagination, and style.  That "Parade of Quilts" we viewed in March was just stunning. These labors of love shall warm the hearts and brighten the days of those who receive them.  Thanks to Sherry and Noreen for all their enthusiasm and inspiration.

    What a great month we have ahead of us in April!  At this month's meeting, the Annual Guild Challenge will be presented.   Start revving up your creative juices! There will also be more lotto blocks to buy ($2), Mystery Quilt, and another installment of  your "UFO projects" during Show and Tell.

    Our program will be a demonstration of a specialty ruler to make your quilting projects easier.  Sounds like fun to me!

    This coming Saturday, April 6th also brings us the much anticipated Giving Quilt Show. Kudos to Candy Bergeron and her group of organizers for presenting this great quilt event.  And many thanks to you, the River City Quilt Guild members, who have offered your time, talent, and donations to make this exhibit like no other - all quilts are for non-profit donation. Please plan to attend this one-day festival and vote for your favorite!

    Finally I am looking forward to some warm spring weather, planting in my flower beds, and finding creative inspiration in the colors of nature and a bounty of new blossoms in my backyard.

    Also looking forward to seeing all of you this Thursday!     

    Keep quilting! Barbara

    - Raffle tickets are $1 for Debby Saucier Cancer Fund
    - Raffle tickets are $1 for the GQ Blue Willow opportunity quilt
    - finished Lotto Block, Strings on Foundation, and purchase more kits at $2/kit (Drawing is in May.)
    - Fat Quarters - Circles 
    - Fiber Name Tag
    - Show & Tell - with another installment of UFO's in progress.  Plus your regular stuff!!
    - Your favorite pair of scissors.  Explain why you like them so much?  Ergonomics?? Techniques/Projects??  or admit it - You just had to have them......

    Thursday, March 14, 2013

    Pictures from March Meeting

    See them here.

    President's Message - March 2013

    I hope you all have been working on quilting projects, especially during the damp and cold weather we’ve been having. My main quilting project has been re-organizing my stash   AGAIN. I have found so much fabric that I didn’t know I had! I can vaguely remember where I purchased it or when? Don't even ask 'what it was for?'  Has this ever happened to you??

    The March meeting will bring us the Giving Quilt Challenge to view and vote, the first set of Lotto Blocks, (Strings on Foundation), and the Fabric Swap Sign up, among other items on the agenda. I am particularly looking forward to Show and Tell. Please bring all the news about Seminar, what classes you took, and show us your projects.   We want to see what you did and hear about the new techniques you learned and your overall experience.

    Looking forward to seeing all of you at the March meeting at St. Margaret's Church

    Keep quilting! 


    The Bring List

    • Giving Quilt Challenge quilts due tonight
    • $$ for the opportunity quilt for Debby Saucier's medical expenses
    • $$ for membership dues
    • $$ for the new Lotto Block, Strings on Foundation, $2/kit, see Ellen Baldridge.
    • Fat Quarters for F.Q. Lotto drawing: Green or White  - see Jackie Wood
    • Fiber Name Tag:  Sign in.  *You could win a special prize from the grab bag.
    • Show & Tell - retreat projects, seminar, etc.
    • $$ for the opportunity quilt, Blue Willow. Drawing is April 6th, exhibit day. Funds defer expenses for the show. Ask Candy or Suzi
    • pillowcase donations for Conkerr Cancer serving young patients in Our Lady of the Lake Pediatric Oncology Department.

    Sunday, February 3, 2013

    President's Message - February 2013

    Dear Guild Members,

    River City Quilt Guild is off to a wonderful start this year! Much of the planning for this year is
    completed and you will hear all about it at our February meeting.  Mid-January was our newest additional sew-day, Third Tuesday Sew In, at St. Margaret’s Church.  Remember that day: COLD, WINDY and WET   one of the worst weather days in January!  However, five brave members did meet and worked on various projects.  I hope to see more members in February, weather permitting of course.

    Along with several guild members, I attended the Gulf States Quilting Association meeting in Lafayette hosted by Guild Acadienne.   The afternoon program was given by Betsy Chutchins, the Gone to Texas author and quilter.  It was so informative lecture.  She taught two classes in the area and I hope to see what our members accomplished in those classes during Show and Tell.

    Speaking of Show and Tell, February will start the first of your four UFO’s as show and tell presentations. Please bring one of your UFO projects that you intend to complete this year and share it with the group   as "completed" or “in progress”. See Suzi’s fabulous newsletter for more details on the meeting!

    Keep quilting! Barbara

    The Bring List
        - guild applications and dues ($20)
        - $$ for lotto block kits
        - Show & Tell - tell us about the GSQA Meeting in Lafayette, Diamond quilts, etc. 
        - Fat Quarters for F.Q. Lotto drawing: Red/White/Heart prints - see Jackie
        - Your Fiber Name Tag:  Sign in.  *You could win a special prize from the grab bag.
        - A list of your 4 UFO projects you plan to work on in 2013. 

    Wednesday, January 2, 2013

    President's Message - January 2013

    Dear Guild Members,

    As the old year winds down, your guild board has been making preparations for 2013 with new and exciting activities!

    The theme for next year is CONNECTIONS. Why a theme? Why CONNECTIONS?  Here’s why: Last year, the size of our guild exploded with many new members - which is great!  Within the membership is a wealth of acquired quilt knowledge and expertise.  This knowledge needs to be shared with both old and new members. There are a number of extremely talented, interesting individuals to meet and get to know better. The question is how do we accomplish this?  The answer is by making new connections! I hope that each of you will “connect” by actively joining with your fellow members in efforts to make 2013 a memorable year for all!

    The January 3rd meeting will be very exciting!  In addition to the usual agenda of announcements and sign-up activities, there will be an open board meeting at the conclusion of the regular meeting. The board usually meets before the January meeting, however, prior commitments for the holidays prevented that from happening.   As a result, we will take the opportunity at this meeting to hear your input.

    A tentative calendar for next year has been sketched out.  Copies will be available at the meeting.  We will fill in activities and program information and publish a more complete calendar in February.

    In the coming year, the board and I look forward to connecting with all of our guild members in a meaningful way.  We have so much to share and learn together.

    Wishing all of you a wonderful holiday season,  

    Barbara L.

    the Bring list----  
        - bring guild applications and dues ($20)
        - bring your  Show & Tell - something you got for Christmas maybe? 
        - bring Fat Quarters for F.Q. Lotto drawing - white/off white/beige snowflake fabrics
        - bring/wear your Fiber Name Tag:  Sign in.  You could win a $10 gift certificate or $10 cash.