Friday, December 31, 2010

President's Message January 2011

Happy New Year River City!

Dear Quilting Friends, 2011 is almost here and River City’s new leaders take over the helm. I speak for all of the officers as well as committee coordinators when I say, “Wow, we have a lot planned for this year and it’s only January.” We hope that you will embrace new leadership roles so that we all may keep the guild on a robust and progressive track.

Please make plans to attend the meeting on Thursday, Jan. 6. Fellow RCQG member, Jean Griffin, will do the presentation. You will become familiar with one of Jean’s many talents, she creates felted wool pin cushions. These were very popular sellers at the Michael Young Fest! She will demonstrate its construction as well as provide a supply list. Keep this in mind for December gift giving! Jean just might bring some to sell, too.

At last, the infamous 2010 Mystery Quilts will be displayed for your viewing and voting pleasure. We will have Viewer's Choice Award Ribbons and Prizes for the winners. We will also unveil the 2011 Mystery Quilt first installment. Glenda Parks has been busy searching for a new and exciting mystery.

River City is hosting the GSQA meeting on Saturday, January 22nd at St. Paul's! We need coordinators and volunteers to work this event. Flavin Glover will be the key-note speaker.

Classes: Because of the success of all of our fund raising efforts in 2010, we are able to contract with four (4) national speakers/quilters. Please visit their websites for more information on their specialties.
January 21: Flavin Glover, (Innovative Log Cabin Courthouse Steps Workshop at St. Paul's) There are still a few openings left.

January 27 31: Bonnie Hunter,

April 7/9: Judy LaQuidara:

July TBA: Jodi Barrows:

More details on the classes and registration information for future workshops will appear later.

Bonnie Hunter teaches scrap quilting. Unfortunately, both River City classes are full, Jan. 27th “Cathedral Stars” and Jan. 28th, “Pineapple Blossom,” but we’ve compiled a waiting list. However, Stash Builders Quilt Guild in Gonzales is also offering two of her classes. Those classes will be offered on Sun., Jan. 30th and Mon., Jan. 31st. To sign up, please contact Noreen Mazzaroppi (home 225 673 9847 or cell 225 715 6133 or ).

the Bring List for January:

  • Mystery Quilts: Bring your 2010 mystery quilts to hang. Voting and prizes. Then bring $ to get signed up for the new 2011 mystery quilt with the first set of instructions. (see Glen Parks)
  • 2011 Membership Application: Forms are available at the January meeting. Please bring a blank check made payable to River City or cash because, we shall discuss and vote to determine if we increase the amount of annual dues. Please renew your application before March. We will revise the membership list then and want you to be included! (see Joyce Perry, treasurer)
  • UFO List: It is time again to go through your project boxes and prioritize. What do you hope to finish in 2011? More details about UFO's later in the newsletter. (see Suzanne Elliott)
  • January Birthday Table: Bring your donations and address labels (see Jo Doherty and Mary Wolf)
  • CAAWS Project: Bring Animal related fabric for "cage comforters" project (see Lilly Willis)
  • Show & Tell: Bring in projects and Christmas gifts to show to the group.
  • Fat Quarter Lotto: "Black & White" Max. of 2 entries. See Suzi
  • The Giving Quilt Project: Fabric donations for charity quilts (see Candy Bergeron)
  • Your Friends and Family: Bring those who may be interested in becoming a RCQG member
  • Fiber Name Tag: You could win a $10 gift certificate
  • Ink pen so you can sign up for some of our wonderful committees!!!
All of the committee chairmen and members are looking forward to working with you during the coming year. We are still adding to the committee rosters. I hope that you seriously consider volunteering for some task. It takes a village or it takes a whole guild to sustain the progress we’ve made in the past year! I know I have a huge pair of shoes to fill and I can only do it with your help!

Best regards to all of you and I am really looking forward to 2011 and all that we plan to accomplish in the River City Quilt Guild!

Jo Paula Lantier

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

President's Message December 2010

Hi to All,

Merry Christmas!!! How can I possibly be typing those words? The days, weeks, and months, just keep flying by. Our Christmas Party is just a few days away December 2rd. It promises to be a great time for all! And we can all agree that River City Quilt Guild has some great cooks! One thing that is certain and that is that our dinner will be delicious!

I was lucky enough to see the Christmas Lotto quilts they are too beautiful! I know that there will be some very happy winners at our meeting.

Don't forget your wrapped gifts, Toys For Tots, and food donations.

A very big thank you to all the participants in our Circle of Life challenge! Your response was wonderful. The talent and creativity of our members continues to be extraordinary!

The board and I would also like to thank you for your great support for our "quilt gift". We raised almost the full cost of Bonnie Hunter's lecture in January ($350). Thank you! And congratulations to Martha Landry, who won the quilt top.

I also want to thank you, the membership, who contribute so much to our guild. Your support of River City Quilt Guild has been invaluable to me for these past two years. I sincerely appreciate your willingness to step forward and serve. We have been able to offer many activities, classes, and community service opportunities because of your willingness to help. Thank you, again! Your talents and efforts not only make our guild a wonderful group, but you also help to preserve the art of quilt making for the future.

In closing, I want to thank you for allowing me to be your president for the last two years. It has been a privilege and I have truly enjoyed it.

Happy Quilting in the New Year!!!


P. S. - "Jo Paula, Tag -You're It!! And you are going to love it..."

For the meeting:
  • Wear your Christmas Sweaters & finery
  • Wear Your (fiber) Name Tag
  • bring your prepared dish with a serving utensil
  • bring a wrapped handmade item for -- Gift Exchange (voluntary participation - see Beth Jessup)
  • bring December birthday table items
  • bring donated food items for the food bank
  • bring an unwrapped toy for the "Toys for Tots" gift campaign

Monday, November 15, 2010

President's Message November 2010

Hi to All,

I had a great time in Houston. So many things to see and to touch and, heaven help me, to buy. The time just sped by me.

Speaking of time flying, my presidency is about to come to a close. It has been a wonderful time. You all have been so good to me, shown me many kindnesses, critiqued my ideas, and you have risen to the call for any and all tasks. The membership has made my two years as guild president so memorable.

As we get down to the end, I want to thank everyone. You have been so great as a group and as individuals. I shall never forget any of these wonderful times. However, I do intend to be a pair of willing hands for new president, Jo Paula and the new officers as they strive to make 2011 a bumper year filled with quilting plans, but I will so enjoy taking a breath and sitting down in the audience with the rest of my stitching sisters (and brothers.) 2011 will be another grand year for River City with classes and projects already on the calendar.

The last challenge of the year is here, the Circle Challenge, so get out your cameras and vote for some lucky, talented quilters to take home some prizes.

Again, our many thanks to Jo Doherty and Joni DeVilbiss and all the auction volunteers for such a wonderful evening last month. $2500 for Parker House - Jennifer Artigue will put it to good use.

So two more meetings and I am done.

Much love to you all and Happy Quilting,

President's Message October 2010

Hi to All,

It's October! Yeah !! Halloween and Quilt Festival are just around the corner!! In other words this is a good month! I know we are all looking forward to our big auction meeting this month. Miss Jo has done a wonderful job collecting, sorting, and "packaging" all the wonderful donations for our auction. I heard a rumor that there are even more baskets than last year! This promises to be a wonderful event~~So bring your checkbook and/or cash and a friend!

The proceeds from auction benefit Parker House... a Christian-based organization that provides residential treatment for children, ages 3 13. Care is provided to children who have been abused, neglected, and/or abandoned. Parker House provides a safe haven for these children.

We are also planning on having some simple refreshments (drinks & treats) at the meeting that the guild will provide. I think we shop better when we eat a little caramel corn. All that bidding can be hard work!

With a giving theme in mind, I would also ask you to bring a non-perishable food item for Hope Ministries, a local food pantry, that promotes self sufficiency and dignity. Joyce Perry volunteers there and reports that their supplies are very low.....and that peanut butter and jelly are at the top of their needs list, along with cereal, flour, canned meats, and dried beans. I am sure other food items would be welcome as well.

Please bring your Autumn and Halloween-theme quilts to display. Dress in costume or just "in masque". And don't forget your Christmas Lotto blocks. This is last call for them.

Enjoy this wonderful Fall weather and quilt away!

Happy Halloween, Mary

River City Auction to benefit Parker House

“Not Your Birthday” Ticket Auction Guidelines

  • Same rules as always, but the tickets are $1.00
  • Buy as many tickets as you like
  • Place your tickets in the containers by the items you like
  • You can put more than one ticket in a container if you so choose
  • Ticket sales continue until the end of the meeting break.

 Silent Auction Guidelines


  • We will be using bidder numbers rather than names, so sign up as soon as you arrive.
  • Just sign your name and get a number.
  • You will get a snack sized paper plate with your number boldly printed on it.
  • After you get your number, feel free to start placing your bids.
  •  The minimum increment to raise on a bid will be designated on the bid sheet (some may be different than others.)
  • Silent Auction bidding continues until the end of the meeting break. You may need to enter more than one bid to outbid your competitors. 
  • An announcement will be made when you have five minutes remaining.
  • A second announcement will be made to halt bidding.
  • All the bid sheets will be picked up and organized

Agenda for October 2010 Meeting


  • Pre-Meeting
    • "Not Your Birthday” Ticket Auction Sales
    • Silent Auction Bidding
    • Hanging of Autumn and Halloween quilts
  • Short meeting
  • Break
    • “Not Your Birthday” Ticket Auction Sales
    • Silent Auction Bidding
  • Halt
  • Drawings for the “Not Your Birthday” Ticket Auction will take place and winners will be announced.
  • Winners will be announced for the Silent Auction items.
    • We want you to know what you have already spent so you’ll know how much you have left for bidding on the Live Auction items
    • Treasurer Team will group Silent Auction bid sheets into groups by winner and total the price owed by each bidder.
    • If you need to leave, you are free to pay at any time after the announcements are made.  
  • Live Auction of special items 
  • Please pay by check or cash before picking up your items.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

River City Auction - Thursday, October 7

“Not Your Birthday” Ticket Auction Guidelines
  • Same rules as always, but the tickets are $1.00
  • Buy as many tickets as you like
  • Place your tickets in the containers by the items you like
  • You can put more than one ticket in a container if you so choose
  • Ticket sales continue until the end of the meeting break.
Silent Auction Guidelines
  • We will be using bidder numbers rather than names, so sign up as soon as you arrive.
  • Just sign your name and get a number.
  • You will get a snack sized paper plate with your number boldly printed on it.
  • After you get your number, feel free to start placing your bids.
  • The minimum increment to raise on a bid will be designated on the bid sheet (some may be different than others.)
  • Silent Auction bidding continues until the end of the meeting break. You may need to enter more than one bid to outbid your competitors.
  • An announcement will be made when you have five minutes remaining.
  • A second announcement will be made to halt bidding.
  • All the bid sheets will be picked up and organized
Agenda for October 2010 Meeting
  • Pre-Meeting
    • “Not Your Birthday” Ticket Auction Sales
    • Silent Auction Bidding
    • Hanging of Autumn and Halloween quilts
  • Short meeting
  • Break
    • "Not Your Birthday” Ticket Auction Sales
    • Silent Auction Bidding
  • Halt to bidding
  • Drawings for the “Not Your Birthday” Ticket Auction will take place and winners will be announced.
  • Winners will be announced for the Silent Auction items.
    • We want you to know what you have already spent so you’ll know how much you have left for bidding on the Live Auction items
    • Treasurer Team will group Silent Auction bid sheets into groups by winner and total the price owed by each bidder.
    • If you need to leave, you are free to pay at any time after the announcements are made.
  • Live Auction of special items
  • Please pay by check or cash before picking up your items.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Labor Day Weekend Retreat

See what you missed!

Click here.

Monday, August 30, 2010

President's Message September 2010

Hi to All,

Many, many thanks to everyone for their support as individuals and as groups of the Michael Young Fest...... There were countless hours of volunteer labor: cookies and cakes baked, jambalaya cooked, quilts, bags, table runners, and other items were handmade....and all donated to MYF. It was a tremendous success! It speaks so well of our quilt community.

It would have not been possible without everyone's help! You are great! Thank you! We are still working on the final tally, donations are still forthcoming, but it looks to be nearing $23,000!!! Over $3,800 was raised through the raffle alone.

We are going to have a celebration/thank you party at our September guild meeting. It will be a fun evening....WE are having a Beach Party with an end-of-summer theme....Plan on having some cake and punch, play Quilto (Beach Blanket Bingo), and view the exhibit of beautiful batik swap quilts. It will be a great meeting! Wear your flip flops, big sun glasses, and muu-muus.

And a great big welcome to our newest members! Can you believe eight more people joined our guild in August? WOW!

The nominating committee was selected at our last meeting. They will be announcing the slate of officers at the October meeting. As my presidency winds down, it's been a great 2 years, please be thinking of how you can participate in 2011 and continue to contribute some of your talents. We have a lot of opportunities available. New blood keeps our work and our opportunities fresh and inviting. Many hands lighten the burden for all.

In addition to service as an officer, there are many committees that will need chairs and members: for challenges, education/outside teachers, birthday raffle, Christmas Lotto.....the list goes gives you an opportunity to get to know other members.

One of the best things about my presidency is that I got to know so many of you, first hand, and be the recipient of your many kindnesses. You all have been so good to me. .....It has been wonderful!

See you then. Happy Quilting, Mary

PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN THE FRONT LOT - Folks, an edict from St. Paul's church officials states that we cannot fill up the front parking lot that faces Old Hammond Hwy. Because the minister and secretary come in and out at all hours and they want their parking spots. However, if you have a handicapped parking tag, you may park in the lot. You have permission to drop off "your stuff" at the front door to the hall where we meet, but please re-park your car in the back lot, asap. It is a small price to pay for such a nice facility. This rule applies to meeting days and sewing days.

the Bring list----
  • Batik Swap Tops to Exhibit - Joyce Perry will hang these beauties.
  • Hawaiian or Beach theme quilts, with flip flops, beach umbrellas, tropical drinks, sailboats, fish, lighthouses, or anything with sand, and your regular show & tells
  • FQ's to play Quilto (1 FQ for each card) – also if you wish to contribute more FQ's, you may, they will be grouped in bundles to serve as the prizes
  • Fat Quarters for Lotto drawing, "Polka-Dots" - Like that itsy-bitsy bikini in your bottom drawer, that now fits better as a head band. Any color polka-dot fabric will do. Max. of 2 entries.
  • your Kathy Brown class project (**no pictures, please, Kathy's publisher, Martindale Press, asks that no images come out until the book's release (May - 2011) It's under wraps!!)
  • Sept. birthday raffle gifts.
  • $$$$ – there are some great bargains (handmade items) from MYFest to snatch up in case you missed them the first time.
  • any sold/unsold raffle tickets to return to Suzanne Elliott
  • Bring your auction items NOW. Baskets, too. October auction!

  • Christmas Lotto kits are still for sale 2 different blocks $2.50/kit. Return your finished blocks for "2" chances to win. Oct. deadline- one chance. See Beth Jessup and Barbara Lankford.
  • Wear Your (fiber) Name Tag - your name is then entered in a drawing for a $10 gift certificate.
  • Wear Your Beachwear - straw hats, sunglasses, all the kitschy stuff you bought in Gulf Shores! Bring a colorful beach towel to drape over your chair. Be a Bahama Momma for a night!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Wonderful Day!

Michael Young Fest - a great success!
See the slide show here.

Thank you so very much to everybody!

The list is long of those to thank.  And we could not have done it without each and every one of you. 

There were:
  • Item donators
  • Makers of homemade items
  • Parking attendants
  • Jambalaya makers and servers
  • Water Sellers
  • Bakers
  • Ticket sellers
  • Ticket buyers
  • Table and chair movers
  • Auctioneers
  • Cashiers
  • Spotters
  • Swoopers
  • Scribes
  • The list goes on and on and on and on and on.......

Thursday, August 5, 2010

President's Message August 2010

Hi Everybody,

Wasn't our July meeting wonderful? River City members are not only talented quilters but they are good cooks as well! Thanks to everyone who brought the delicious treats to share at our Christmas in July meeting!

Did you know that 7 people joined RCQG that night? I think that might be a new one-month record. And a very special thank you to Daisy Comeaux for teaching us how to make the fat quarter rose stems and bouquets; they are for sale at the MYFest. Thanks to Carol Hilton for demonstrating how to make those great folded fabric Christmas ornaments. With just a few scraps, applique pins, and Styrofoam she made some lovely heirloom gifts.

Our August meeting is going to be just as exciting. Kathy Brown will be superb. She spoke to the guild previously about her work and quilt interests. She is such a busy and productive quilter. We are so fortunate to have her right here in Baton Rouge. She is the creative force behind Teacher's Pet Quilt Block Patterns. She has developed over 125 patterns, created 12 fabric lines, and written seven books. She will speak on her newest book release. She is a featured contributor to quilting books and magazines including The Quilter, Create and Decorate, and Quick and Easy Quilting.

Please remember to contribute to the birthday raffle table----all the proceeds will go towards the purchase of jambalaya ingredients for the Michael Young Fest. Bring your donations and bring your money $$$. It is going to be a fun-filled evening.

Bring your favorite "Easy" quilt(s) to hang on the walls, and tell us all about it at Show & tell. If you still have the pattern or resource info, please share that with the group. See you then.


Michael Young Fest

Wow! It is almost time for MYFest! The raffle tickets for the purple and gold tiger quilt are selling like hot cakes! Melanie designed it and Carol Hilton donated the long-arm quilting. Other donated items continue to arrive. There is some great stuff to bid on! The Saints quilt is quilted with a "Who Dat" design and ready for the auction. Donna Britt will be our celebrity guest at the live auction. People are planning trips to Baton Rouge just to be sure they will be here for the MYF. Don't be left out! Be there on the 21st! We need volunteers! Please contact me if you can help in any way! Thanks! Mary

atta' Girl, to Judy Holley, who got some of the quilts hung at Barnes & Noble Cafe' - great publicity!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

2010 Stash Busters

Stash Busters - a new competition to decrease the amount of yardage in your stash

Between the months of January-November, 2010, tally and record the amount of any fabric yardage that you use, donate, or sew. That yardage amount is then, "BUSTED", liberated from your stash. Get credit for using fabrics. Alice Fredlund, record keeper, will record the amounts as you send them in.

*Use this email address Some type of prize awarded at the conclusion.

Simple rules from Alice:

1) Give me your full name… (I'm still learning them all.)

2) Each stash amount used, can be as small as a quarter of a yard, (.25), no inches, no fractions.

3) Use decimal points, i.e., 1.25, 1.5, and 1.75, to make it easier on the data compiler.

4) The honor system is in place! I trust all of my quilting sisters! May the best stash buster win!

President's Message June 2010

Hi Everybody,

With Memorial Day here, I guess it is safe to say that summer has officially started! I have been brainstorming on ways to stay cool and I think I have come up with a winning idea. We should stay inside our wonderfully air-conditioned homes just sewing and quilting! Or, at the very least, do that during those HOT, crispy afternoons!

I know we are all looking forward to the June program with Robin Waller. She loves vintage fibers and quilt history. We are happy for her to share that knowledge with us! You will like her program!

June offers lots of opportunities for us! June 12 is the Rosebud Auction (sponsored by GSQA) at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel in Metairie. What a great way to spend a Saturday---eating a delicious meal with friends and having chances to win some wonderful auction items! I hope to see you there!

(June 18 - 20) The 13th Biennial GSQA Quilt Show at Northshore Harbor Center in Slidell. I heard there are over 300 quilts! Several of which come from River City! I hear the words, "Road Trip"?

And speaking of extra fun things, how is that fabric busting coming along? E-mail Alice with details at

Don't forget to bring your "guy" quilts to hang and for show and tell this month!

I hope everyone enjoyed last month's program on finishing steps for your quilt. Many thanks to Debbie, Nina, and Melanie for the wonderful demos! I went home inspired to try out their methods.

I want you, the members of River City Quilt Guild, to know what an absolute treasure you are to me. Your knowledge, your talent, your willingness to give and share with others is unequaled.

Thank you for allowing me to be your president.

Happy quilting!


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

President's Message May 2010

Hi, and Greetings from Paducah!

I am sending my best wishes to all of you from Paducah, Kentucky, the home of AQS, the American Quilter's Society, and the National Quilt Museum. I wish you could be here to share in the experience. You should try to come for quilt week at least once in your lifetime. The area is bustling with quilters of every stripe. Fun, food, fabric, and friends – the 4 F''s.

Congratulations, again, to Melanie West for her AQS Judges Recognition Award from quilt judge, Karen Kay Buckley. Moondance is a fine Asian-themed piece of original work. Melanie will share some of its critique with us.

There are quite a few guild members who went and we will have items for Show & Tell. The program will be "Around the Quilt Top - Techniques to Miter, Border, and Bind." Some folks say that once the top is made the quilt is finished. We are going to go all the way to the "Finish Line." Make it ready to throw on the bed.

A reminder that this meeting on April 29th takes the place of our May meeting.

Loved every minute of it; now I am ready to get home.

Happy Quilting!!


What to bring:
  • Floral quilts to hang during the meeting
  • your Paducah purchases and tells
  • May birthday raffle gifts
  • your regular show & tells
  • Fat Quarter Lotto - Aquamarine/turquoise. Max. of 2 entries
  • Wear Your (fiber) Name Tag - enter in a drawing for a $10 gift certificate.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

We've Got Talent!

Melanie West's quilt - "Moon Dance", a large wall quilt with Japanese cranes that she made as a commission, has been awarded the Judges' Recognition Award at the AQS 2010 show in Paducah.

Congratulations all around! We are so excited for her.

See pictures of her quilt.

Friday, March 26, 2010

President's Message April 2010

Hi, and a Happy Spring to all!

What a wonderful time of year this is! It's a perfect time for quilting! I know we are all looking forward to our program this month, Paducah 101 by Margie Bumm. From what I hear, River City Quilt Guild could have a meeting in Paducah this year!

A big thank you goes out to Nina and Joyce for their wonderful presentation on the Ultimate Quilt Challenge. The theme, "Out of the Storm", lends itself to many wonderful quilting possibilities. I hope that we have lots of participation in this challenge. You are a wonderfully talented group and I think the quilting world needs to see evidence of that fact!

Seminar was great! I hope it was as good an experience for you as it was for me. I learned a lot! Time spent with other quilters is always time well spent! Bring your class work to show us.

Don't forget that this month's birthday raffle proceeds will benefit our Community Service Quilts. Let's see how much money we can raise!

We have lots of great activities in our guild. Pick one or two or all and join in! You'll be glad you did! And my continued thanks go out to everyone who is making these activities possible.

Happy Quilting!! Mary

This Month's Program - "Paducah on a Shoestring" - With Margie Bumm as your travel guide, learn the ins and outs of this exciting quilt show. Margie, a native-born Kentuckian, will tell you the real dirt on which places are "must-sees" and which ones are just a "pass." Our special guest, Kathy Brown, quilt teacher, extraordinaire, will give a preview of the August jelly roll class and rulers.


Sign-Up Sheets:
  • Get on the Bus - Houston Trip (see Karen Tabor)
  • Kathy Brown Workshop (see Suzanne Elliott)
  • Rose Bud Auction (see Beth Jessup)
  • UFO Challenge (see Suzanne Elliott)
  • Mystery Quilt (see Glenda Parks) Cost $1/person at sign up.
The Bring list
  • your GSQA class projects
  • work from Beth Jessup's "Patch, No Work" class
  • April birthday raffle gifts. And non-birthday persons, too. This month's proceeds are donated to the community service quilts project, for supplies
  • your show & tells
  • Fat Quarter Lotto, Flowers in bloom. Max. of 2 entries
  • Your (fiber) Name Tag - your name is then entered in a drawing for a $10 gift certificate.
  • a friend, a prospective member, a relative
  • auction donations, Jo Doherty will have a collection box for the Fall auction.

Friday, March 5, 2010

100 Charity Quilt Challenge

Our president Mary Woltmann has challenged the guild to make 100 quilts for charity this year. 

Norma Payne is heading up a charity committee to work cooperatively on charity quilts.  Some do cutting, others do piecing, and still others do quilting.  It is a great way to be able to participate without feeling the pressure of completing a whole quilt.

The Wednesday Group is also working as a group doing some sweatshop sewing to produce charity quilts.

Several individual members of the guild are also very active in producing Quilts of Valor, quilts for premature babies, etc.

Kathy Onstead has volunteered to be the Recorder, so if you have done a quilt for charity this year, please send email to Kathy so that she can chalk one up for the guild.  Keep those emails coming.  The list will contain any and all quilts constructed by the guild in groups or by individuals. 

Let's show Mary that we are up to the challenge!

President's Message March 2010

Hi all!

How can March be here so soon? Didn't January just end? And GSQA Seminar is just around the corner. I hope many of you are taking advantage of the wonderful classes and lectures this year. We are so fortunate that it is right here in Baton Rouge.

I hope you all enjoyed Melanie's Life In Quilts at our February meeting. I just loved it and felt so inspired! I think I would like to be adopted into her family so I would stand a chance at receiving a quilt from her! I also thought that her idea of walking one mile on the treadmill or maybe it was ten miles before you could buy a yard of fabric was inspirational. If I had always done that you might not even be able to see me, I would be so skinny!

I know we are all looking forward to hearing about the theme choice of 2011 Ultimate Guild Challenge at this meeting. Our "Para Challenge" was wonderful and so well interpreted ! And for the guild entry to make it into the AQS show – a dream come true.

There are so many interesting and fun activities this year in our guild. It will be fun to watch as Glenda's mystery quilt unfolds as well as see what quilts will materialize from our Batik Swap. It is a true pleasure to see the results of your wonderful creativity and workmanship in your quilts.

Again, I would like to thank everyone who has volunteered their time and effort for our guild. River City Quilt Guild would not be what it is without you! Thanks!

Happy Quilting!!


Sunday, February 7, 2010

February 2010 Retreat

We had a great time at the February Quilt Retreat! It looked more like the River City Sweat Shop in there the way we were churning out finished projects.

13 people + 54 hours = over 30 "Ta-Das"

Check out our Ta-Das! (click here)

Sarah Leblanc, Alice Fredlund, Joyce Perry, Norma Payne, Linda Wiggins, Stella Goodbee, Karen Tabor, Elaine Gosselin, Thelma Berg, Margie Bumm, Caroline Derbes, Joni DeVilbiss, and Debbie Hulett

Saturday, January 30, 2010

President's Message Feb 2010


How can it feel like Springtime? Weren't we just dealing with some wintry precipitation?

My sincere thanks go out to everyone who brought their beautiful hand-quilted treasures to share at our January meeting. The workmanship and artistry was inspirational. I know everyone enjoyed and appreciated the opportunity to see the quilt jewels. Thank you, again, for giving us such a great start to our new year.

I know we are all looking forward to our February program. It will be a trunk show of Melanie West - A Life in Quilts. This collection is not to be missed! Melanie has won many awards, fulfilled commissions, and transformed simple fiber and thread into magnificent works of art. Not only is it a rare view of her numerous beautiful quilts, but it is a true inspiration to all of us.

Are you working on your UFO challenge list? Have you thought about what kind of community service quilt you would like to make? And don't forget that the announcements for our challenges will be made ASAP.

We have lots of great opportunities this year! Don't miss out!!

Happy Quilting!!

Stuff to Bring:
  • your membership application (filled in) along with your check (made out to River City) or cash, ($15).  You have until the end of March, then the membership list will be culled.
  • February birthday raffle gifts.
  • Your show & tells.  We'd sure love to see those UFOs as you finish them. 
  • Fat Quarter Lotto, "Purple, Gold, & Green" for a Happy Mardi Gras. Max. of 2 entries.
  • Juvenile/baby fabrics and 2.5 inch strips, for use in community service quilts. Norma Payne collects at every meeting.
  • a friend, a prospective member, a relative.
  • auction donations, Jo Doherty will have a collection box for the Fall auction.
  • your (fiber) Name Tag - your name is then entered in a drawing for a $10 gift certificate

Quilt the Swamp 2010

Check out the fabulous pictures (courtesy of John Hartgerink) of the fiber arts displayed at the Bluebonnet Swamp's Quilt the Swamp 2010.  What wonderful works of art!  Many thanks to John for allowing us the opportunity to view them through the lens of his camera.